Free Church Group Directory of Free Church Health and Social Care Chaplains
The FCG maintains a directory of health and social care chaplains who have been endorsed as being in ‘good standing’ by their denomination/organisation and provides support and training for them in their role. The directory is open to all health and social care chaplains in the UK from Free Church denominations/organisations that are in membership with the FCG, Churches Together in England /Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Being listed in the directory provides chaplains with:
• Access to creative and enriching educational opportunities, such as the FCG annual study day and monthly CPD opportunities organized by the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy.
• Links to an organization that advocates for high-quality professional chaplaincy at a national and local level (and the opportunity to be involved in shaping that agenda, for example through membership of the FCG Healthcare Chaplaincy Steering Committee.)
• Receipt of the Narrative, a the monthly email information digest Chaplains listed in the directory are asked to confirm their details and continued good standing every three years. You can sign up to the directory here:
(Cover photo by John-Mark Smith at Unsplash)