A Rich History
Since the 1880's...
... there have been bodies established to enable the 'Free Churches' to have a common voice and public presence. The Declaratory Statement of Faith and Practice from 1917 continues to serve as the basis for membership. In 1940 the Free Church Federal Council was created, bringing together a number of predecessor bodies.
The Free Churches have a history of advocating freedom of belief and conscience, seeing personal faith as integral to the Christian Gospel. They continue to do this whilst seeking to create a safe, caring and equal society where intellectual, spiritual and socio-economic freedoms allow people to exercise choice in a way that enables everyone to flourish. It facilitates the corporate expression and promotion of these values, speaking into issues of public concern and serving society.
Revd Helen Cameron
A public presence is given through the Moderator, Revd Helen Cameron, who also serves as one of the Presidents of Churches Together in England, maintaining links with a number of other key organisations.
“I regard it as a very great privilege to have been elected as the next Moderator of the Free Churches Group and to be able to serve the Free Churches Group in this way. I am a committed ecumenist and for many years lived and taught student ministers in the ecumenical community of the Queens Foundation in Birmingham. What that experience gave me was a foundation to my Christian experience which helped me to know that difference was to be celebrated as a gift of God (rather than a threat) and that Christian unity was a fundamental part of a convincing and confident Christian witness. I know that I am enriched by the breadth of the traditions and the practice of the churches that make up the Free Churches Group and look forward to learning more about and working with all of the member churches. I am a Methodist presbyter who currently serves as Chair of the Northampton District of the Methodist Church and I have served previously as Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference. I value the work of the Free Churches Group particularly its work in developing chaplaincy in health care, education and prison communities and believe such ministry is vital in our public expression of faithful witness.”
the free church federal council inc.
The legal body, established in 1940, which remains behind the work of the Group is the Free Church Federal Council Inc. (Registered Charity No. 236878 || Registered Company No. 00364987).
Denominational representatives to the Group Meeting elect a number of Directors who also serve as Company members. Historic investments are managed in order to finance the work of the Group.