Revd Helen Cameron
Moderator of the Free Churches Group
Tel: 0160 463 0128 Email:
Twitter: @HelenCa60798000
Revd Helen Cameron, Moderator of the Free Churches Group, acts as one of the Presidents of Churches Together in England, representing the Free Churches constituency.
Revd Paul Rochester
General Secretary of the Free Churches Group
Tel: 0203 651 8335, Mob: 07715 176542
Revd Paul Rochester is responsible to serve the Directors and the members. He oversees the implementation of the Free Churches Group agenda, as defined by the Board of Directors, including strategy development and overall management of FCG and its programmes.
Revd Bob Wilson
Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy and Free Churches Faith Adviser
Tel: 0203 651 8336, Mob: 07881 845494
Skype: Twitter: @RBWilson80
Bob Wilson is the Free Churches Faith Advisor to both publicly and privately run prisons. This work sees him regularly visiting all 124 establishments across England and Wales for both pastoral support of Prison Chaplains, and to support prison management in their recruitment needs.
Revd. Dr. Mark Newitt
Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Free Churches
Tel: 0203 651 8332
Mark provides leadership on Healthcare Chaplaincy for the Free Churches. This involves engaging at a national level (he is currently the Independent Chair of the Chaplain Forum for Pastoral, Religious and Spiritual Care in Health) as well as working to support Free Church chaplains in their practice.
Sarah Lane Cawte
Education Officer
Tel: 0203 651 8339
Twitter: @SarahFCG
Sarah leads the Free Churches Education work. Working through expert committees she takes forward a number of strands of work within the Education sector, including Schools and Higher and Further Education from a free church perspective.
Sabina Williams
SACRE & LA Representative
PA to Paul Rochester & Sarah Lane Cawte
Tel: 0203 651 8334
Sabina works as PA to the General Secretary and PA to the Education Officer. She is also Administrator for the recruitment, nomination and placement of Free Churches Representatives, serving on Local Authority Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education.
Thandar Tun
PA to Revd DR Mark Newitt & Revd Bob Wilson
Tel: 0203 651 8338
Thandar provides the personal assistant support to senior managers of the Free Churches Group (especially for Free Church Prison Chaplaincy and Healthcare Chaplaincy) and administration for the running of the office including the finance and the meeting room rental.