The joy of learning as a family...

Many of our churches have the benefit of toddlers, children, young people and adults of all ages growing, learning and sharing together. I have often found this is one of the most satisfying and uplifting aspects of our lives in our churches. A real joy to share and develop with all ages! 

The benefits of inter-generational learning are well known and in some ways, churches have always known this - but many charities and groups are creating environments where this can flourish and be cherished. Some of you may have spotted the wonderful Channel 4 documentary about 'the old people's home for four year olds' - you can read about the work that St Monica Trust are doing HERE and their history as a Christian foundation HERE

The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) have lots of locally run courses and programmes to support families and parenting - you read all about it HERE and see what is on in your local area. These may be of use to you, your church family or your work in the wider community. The WEA Grow Together – Learn Together campaign celebrates the positive impact of adult learning on families.

  • What kind of inter-age activities do you have at your church?
  • How do you see young and old learning and growing together?

One of our member churches, the Congregational Federation, has been exploring ministry with, for and by older people - you can read about it HERE

Why not share your stories and experiences with us? Contact me, Sara, to tell me all about it!

Perhaps you could use and share some of the Education Sunday materials on 9 September?

Let us pray - Join me as we pray for all ventures and adventures in inter-generational learning; we ask that our living God blesses and guides us in our church families, as we grow and learn together at all ages. Amen