
FCG Education Prayer (Week 3) - Focus on Religious Education

A call to prayer

For teachers and support staff in the teaching of RE and those studying RE at primary
and secondary school. We pray for NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE)
and pray for wisdom as we engage with all faith traditions.

A call to share

  • Learning more about your area and local providers.

A call to act

RE Reformation resources and why not register for the NATRE newsletter if the RE
curriculum interests and inspires you to dig deeper:

A date for your diary - Pray Day 21/11/17 HERE

Image courtesy of Ade Wyatt, Xross Purposes -  Visio Divina tel: 07976 362 615


FCG Education Prayer (Week 2) - Further Education (FE) focus

A call to prayer

Loving God,

We ask you to be with all of the students who are entering further education for the first
time. Be with them and uphold then at this time of new beginnings.

We pray for all those returning students, beginning a new year; we pray they can continue
to grow and that they consolidate and enrich their studies in the coming year.

Living God, we pray that you will guide and inspire all those students embarking on training
for employment and all those seeking support and new learning for their personal

We pray for the staff and chaplains at our colleges and learning providers, that they have
the courage, wisdom and stamina to support the students.

We draw on the Bible and inspiring passages from the great prophet Isaiah and from Paul's
letter to the Ephesians:

"For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."
Isaiah 43:19

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to
His power that is at work within us."
Ephesians 3:20

In Jesus' name, we pray,

(Image courtesy of Ade Wyatt, Xross Purposes -  Visio Divina tel: 07976 362 615)

A call to share

Why not include a prayer for those in FE in the coming weeks in your Sunday service or at
your next Bible study meeting?

A call to act

What is the further education picture like in your local area?

Is anyone in your congregation working or learning in further education? Why not find out?

You can also find out more about Christian work in FE through the Festive network:

FCG Education Prayer Guide for September (Week 1) - A prayer focus for our schools

A call to prayer

Education Sunday prayer (courtesy of Churches Together in England)
Let us come together and pray...

Loving God, Gather us in from north, south, east and west, from city, town and village.
Gather us together, in your name, as your church, to praise your Holy name.
Gather us and let your kingdom come. Let us rejoice in your glory and grace.
Gather us, like fragile saplings, at the start of this new term / new season, eager to learn,
even if we feel unsure.
Let us know we are always rooted deep in your love. Give us strong branches to reach out in trust. Gather us, as we draw close to Christ, listening to Jesus’ words. Let us be sustained by his ministry and saving love. Gather us ever closer to you when we know we have let ourselves and others down. Let us know your reassurance and the promise of forgiveness, so we can start afresh, this term / this season.
Gather us around the glow of the Holy Spirit; the Spirit that gives us fire in our hearts to
yearn for and work for justice. Let us be inspired and transformed to embody the change we want to see in the world.
Gather us, like threads, from all walks of life, from schools, colleges and universities; from
homes and workplaces; from places of transition and refuge. Let us be woven together, in your name, to create a haven of hope and wonder for all; to make a rich and diverse
tapestry of love and life in all its fullness, which reflects your Holy image.
Gather us and strengthen us to serve in the world; to reform all that is unjust; to reshape
and cherish the planet, to nurture the earth, as you intend. Gather us and empower us,
living God, to share the Good News of your grace and mercy.
In the name of Jesus, our friend and teacher.


(Prayer by Revd Sara Iles, Congregational Federation in Wales)

(Image courtesy of Rachel Kane, The Salvation Army)

A call to share

Click here for further resources for Education Sunday.
These can be used throughout the year too!

A call to act

Is your church involved in the life and work of your local schools?
How could you develop links with them?
There are also these resources for Back to School with God