
Free Church Education Committee responds to the final report of the Commission on Religious Education

The Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) was launched on 12 September, at the House of Commons, after publication on 9 September. The report, entitled Religion and Worldviews: the way forward, A national plan for RE, was the result of 2 years’ worth of evidence-gathering, debate and analysis by the Commissioners.


The Free Church Education Committee has been fully involved in the process, submitting responses to the consultations and giving oral evidence at the regional hearing in Birmingham. The Committee will be responding fully once it has had the opportunity to discuss the report in more detail. The Free Church Education Committee Response to the Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education is available to view here.

Churches are encouraged to read the REPORT, of which there is also an executive summary, to gain an understanding of the far-reaching changes the Commission is recommending.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Sarah Lane Cawte, the Free Church Education Officer

Moving on to University? Or know someone who is?

… Then this resource could be for you…

The Student Christian Movement have produced a Fresher's Pack which you can find out more about and order HERE

The pack says… 

"You might be reading this thinking you've got it all under control. University is just around the corner and you are fully prepared. Totally focussed. In an alternate universe, you're in a blind panic. Unsure about how you'll cope with the new environment, the workload, and how your faith fits into all this. The alarm bells are ringing. What is more important? Church, or study? Socialising, or study? Sleep, or study? We've asked students for their stories and top tips to help you prepare for what's ahead and get the most out of your time at university. So take a deep breath, grab a cuppa, and read on!"

Every blessing to all those taking the step to go to university. May this Freshers Pack support and uphold all those at this time of exciting and intrepid change. Amen. 

Training opportunity for working with students... coming up soon

The Student Christian Movement, who have representatives on the FCG Higher Education Working Group since its inception, have an interesting training opportunity coming up this autumn. 

This training is for anyone involved in student ministry, including church leaders, chaplains, student workers and volunteers. Come along to learn more about student spirituality, develop new skills and share ideas - all part of Effective Student Work Training. 

This programme is running from 22-23 October in Birmingham. For full information and how to book your place, look HERE

Is this the job for you? Church & Community Fundraiser...

The Student Christian Movement are seeking a Church and Community Fundraiser. You can see the full details of the vacancy HERE

Could this be the job for you? Is there a person in your network who might have the gifts and skills for this role? Feel free to share this vacancy widely. 

Are you passionate about enabling charities to expand through fundraising? Do you want to help the Student Christian Movement grow to support more students, churches and chaplaincies? 

Closing date - 24th Sept - for full details see HERE

Every blessing from the Education Team at FCG, as SCM seek to appoint the right person for this role. 

Funding the future with the Student Christian Movement - apply here!

The Student Christian Movement are seeking a Trust and Grants Fundraiser. You can see the full details of the vacancy HERE

Could this be the job for you? Anyone in your network who might have the gifts and skills for this role? Feel free to share this vacancy. 

Are you an experienced trust fundraiser? Do you have a ‘can do’ attitude and communication skills? Do you share our vision of a vibrant and growing student-led movement committed to deepening faith, seeking justice, celebrating diversity and working for Christian unity?

Closing date - 24th Sept - for full details see HERE. 

Every blessing from the Education Team at FCG, as SCM seek to appoint the right person for this role.