
University of Exeter seeks applicants for the post of Free Church Chaplain

The University of Exeter are welcoming applications for the post of University Chaplain.

They are looking for an enthusiastic and creative person with excellent interpersonal skills and pastoral sensitivity, to take up this exciting new post as part of the Exeter University Multifaith Chaplaincy team. It will be a half time post of 20 hours per week.

Applications are invited from members in good standing with one of the sponsoring denominations (Baptist, Methodist, or United Reformed).

The closing date for the vacancy is 12th February 2021 and interviews will take place on 26th February.

For further information about the post and how to apply:


Coffee and chat at 4pm today for university chaplains

Coffee and chat for HE chaplains is a weekly opportunity to come together (virtually) with other chaplains. There is no fixed agenda, so you can bring questions, ideas, things that are bothering you, celebrations …

Each session lasts an hour and concludes with time for reflection and prayer, in a very relaxed and gentle way, often with visuals and music.

Coffee and chat takes place alternately on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. We use Zoom as the platform and the codes are available on this page.

Coffee and Chat 4 p.m. today

Zoom code

Look out on our website for dates coming up in the new year.

Every blessing for a peaceful Christmas.

(photo courtesy of Tyler Nix at Unsplash)

Vacancy for Free Church Chaplain at The University of Exeter

The University of Exeter are welcoming applications for the post of University Chaplain.

They are looking for an enthusiastic and creative person with excellent interpersonal skills and pastoral sensitivity, to take up this exciting new post as part of the Exeter University Multifaith Chaplaincy team. It will be a half time post of 20 hours per week.

Applications are invited from members in good standing with one of the sponsoring denominations (Baptist, Methodist, or United Reformed).

The closing date for the vacancy is 12th February 2021 and interviews will take place on 26th February.

For further information about the post and how to apply:


Student mental health and the pandemic: webinar on 14th December

We will be hosting a free webinar on Monday 14th December on the vital and timely topic of student mental health and the pandemic.

This is a free event aimed at supporting university chaplains and anyone else who is interested in this topic. It will take place from 10.30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

The conditions created by the pandemic have taken their toll on the mental health of students. Chaplains are increasingly having to deal with issues connected with mental health, but may lack confidence to do so. This webinar aims to give chaplains access to the latest thinking from both institutional and student perspectives, and to signpost further sources of information and support.
— Event organisers

Our speakers will be Dr Ruth Caleb, MBE who is Chair of the Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education (MWBHE) Working Group and Pete Gaffney who is Student Engagement Officer from Student Minds.

The event will be chaired by Revd Dr Stephen Heap, Chair of the Free Church HE Working Group.

Please register for the webinar using the link below

(cover photo courtesy of Deniz Altindas at Unsplash)


Student Mental Health | FREE webinar | 14th Dec

We will be hosting a free webinar on Monday 14th December on the vital and timely topic of student mental health and the pandemic.

This is a free event aimed at supporting university chaplains and anyone else who is interested in this topic. It will take place from 10.30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

The conditions created by the pandemic have taken their toll on the mental health of students. Chaplains are increasingly having to deal with issues connected with mental health, but may lack confidence to do so. This webinar aims to give chaplains access to the latest thinking from both institutional and student perspectives, and to signpost further sources of information and support.
— Event organisers

Our speakers will be Dr Ruth Caleb, MBE who is Chair of the Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education (MWBHE) Working Group and Pete Gaffney who is Student Engagement Officer from Student Minds.

The event will be chaired by Revd Dr Stephen Heap, Chair of the Free Church HE Working Group.

Please register for the webinar using the link below

(cover photo courtesy of Sonaal Bangera at Unsplash)