Read: Exodus 24:13, 33:11
THEME: We know that God is able to select whomever He wants to do whatever He chooses. He can also raise, mould and empower the least of us to do more than we can ask or imagine. Occasionally we get a glimpse of what catches His attention.
Joshua was just a young man when Moses made him his assistant. He had led a select band against the Amalekites who were picking off Israel’s rear ranks as the newly emerging nation travelled towards Mt Sinai. As he fought, he knew that his victory was dependent on Moses’ prayers.
Shortly afterwards, when Israel, having been lined up on the lower slopes of Mt Sinai, wanted to back away from God’s presence, Joshua alone was prepared to climb up to the higher slopes and wait for Moses. But Joshua not only waited on Moses, he waited on God. When a tent was raised as a divine meeting place Joshua would continue there after Moses had left.
Sometimes we think Joshua first came into prominence at Jericho, or as one of the two spies who were positive about entering the Promised Land. We could say, though, that Joshua had caught God’s attention long before that with his humility and servant-heartedness.
Let us make sure that pride and self-sufficiency do not make us prominent in a way that guarantees we will be overlooked.