Art in Heaven...

The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) have hosted a Spirited Arts exhibition and competition to encourage children and young people explore themes of faith and belief. There are some really inspiring and thought-provoking pictures - you can take a look HERE

Do you use drawing and painting activities with your church groups?

Thinking about, designing and sharing pictures can be a stimulating and creative way to learn about our faith and explore ideas.

Why not begin drawing and painting in the new year with your children and young people?

It's great fun for adults to get involved too and discover their artistic gifts! 

There are lots of ways you can create an atmosphere of creativity and imagination:

Godly Play 

Bible Crafts and Resources for Children

The painting on this article is by Madeleine, aged 5, from Christ Church Charnock Richard CE Primary School

"Footprints in the Sand - My painting is of the poem ‘Footprints in the sand.’ On the beach I can see two lots of footprints, mine and God’s but sometimes there is only one set of footprints. That is when God is giving me a piggy back. This painting was done during the week after the Manchester bombings “God is giving those people who are sad piggy back rides isn’t he?” "