Free Churches and Higher Education

In 2014, the Free Churches Group (FCG) with the Free Church Education Committee commissioned a working group to write a report and make recommendations for the work of the Free Churches Group for the arena of Higher Education. A Working Group was established, chaired by Revd Dr Stephen Heap. A Report was written and presented to the FCG Directors in 2015.

In May 2016, a forum was held to discuss issues and actions resulting from the report. An Action Plan has been created, based on the report's Recommendations and the Free Churches Group are fully committed, in partnership with the Working Group, to develop strategies and make progress with the Recommendations. 

The Report is entitled Hope in Higher Education -

- a full copy of the report can be downloaded HERE.

Watch this space for further news and ways in which your denomination and local church can get involved with this important work. 

For further information, please contact the FCG Education Officer, Sarah Lane Cawte 

Sara Iles, Education Assistant, 24th May 2017