Hope in Higher Education Forum

The Hope in Higher Education Forum took place at Bloomsbury Baptist Church in summer 2016. The Forum was organised in order to bring to bring together a range of key decision-makers in denominations, and people with interest and experience in higher education, mission and evangelism, and work with young people. 

The Forum offered opportunities to build networks of expertise and shared interest, but
most importantly to begin to plan strategic action and involvement with higher education.
The aim was to make specific recommendations for action, and for plans to begin to take
shape on the day, and for the momentum to build from that point.

This report aims to provide a record of the discussions, questions and recommendations
emerging from workshops and plenary sessions. It is in no way a complete record but
offers a summary of key points. The summaries have been presented in different ways:
some lend themselves to presentation as a mind-map, as there are a number of discrete
and inter-related themes; others have been presented as lists of bullet-points, sometimes
divided into the sections provided by the groups.

Much progress has been made in the last year on the actions and ideas from this Forum.

FCG are continuing to work with experts and representatives from the field of Higher Education to make progress on these developments.

If you would like to find out more about this important work or explore ways your church / denomination might get involved, please contact Sarah Lane Cawte, FCG Education Officer: sarah.lane.cawte@freechurches.org.uk 

To read a full copy of the Forum Report, click HERE.