A National Learning Alliance

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The charitable and voluntary sector is often called the 'Third Sector'. There is a Third Sector National Learning Alliance (TSNLA) which is a growing, national alliance of voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises involved in learning and skills. They aim to provide a coherent national 'voice' from and for this sector's learning bodies to government departments and other important funding and policy bodies. They also aim to provide a forum for developing Third Sector ideas and proposals, with the key aim of enabling those most disadvantaged to re-engage with learning and skills. This is particularly relevant to us, as a network of churches who are keen to work towards equality in education and free and fair access to all, so each person can reach their God-given potential through learning and personal transformation.

Revd Sara Iles, the FCG Education Assistant, has worked for two learning providers from the Third sector in the past - ViSTA, Somerset and The Learning Curve, Wiltshire. She recognises and values the immense contribution that the voluntary and community sector make to developing the potential of people in our communities. Contact Sara to find out how to get involved: sara.iles@freechurches.org.uk

There will be a Third Sector provider in the area where your church is; for example, the Workers' Educational Association and many other learning providers.

If you are interested in education and training in the charitable sector then there are lots of resources and links on their website. 

To read more about the work of this important Alliance, see their website: http://www.tsnla.org.uk/ 

Many Voices, One Vision!


Our vision is for all adults and young people to have the learning opportunities they want and need in order to realise their potential.


Our Mission is to represent the views of members to influence policy and address issues that impact on the skills, prosperity and well-being of learners.


  • Represent and champion Third Sector learning providers
  • Inform and maintain effective communication with Third Sector learning providers
  • Influence and respond to relevant policy and developments
  • Foster partnerships and co-operation with key bodies and networks in the interests of Third Sector learning providers
  • Support Third Sector learning providers to influence and inform understanding of the Third Sector at local, regional and national level
  • Support providers to access the information, funding and resources they need to provide high quality accessible learning and skills provision which tackles economic and social disadvantage
  • Review and enhance the TSNLA’s capability to deliver its objectives