The United Reformed Church in Rugby was delighted to welcome the two reception classes of Bawnmore Community Infant School, Rugby, who came to take part in a day of wedding workshops as part of the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE). And what fun they all had!
Gill Kingston from the URC church says, "It was lovely to see so many of them getting into the spirit of the occasion, wearing their best clothes, in some cases their own wedding outfits. At the end of the day, parents were invited to watch the ceremony, conducted by the minister, Rev. Robert Maloney, and the church was full. The Headteacher commented that although they can do similar things on school premises it makes a huge difference to the children to do it in a church. A very successful day!"
* Has this opportunity sparked your enthusiasm?
* How might your church link up with a local school?
Thank to Gill Kingston, who serves on the Free Church Education Committee, for this wonderful good news story! The United Reformed Church are a member denomination in the Free Churches Group.
During the course of the day each child did four workshops: Wedding invitations; cake decorating; buttonhole flowers; a marriage ceremony (role play). Here are a couple of photos from the wedding workshop day. You can also see what the children thought of the day HERE.
With this ring, I thee wed..
The wedding party