Conference coming up soon - teaching Judaism for GCSE

The Board of Deputies of British Jews have an interesting conference coming up in November…

Over the last few years, the FCG have worked closely with this organisation as part of our work on the RE Council and with the DfE Faith School Providers’ Group.

Are you part of teaching and planning for RE in your area or perhaps you would like to learn more about Judaism?

About their forthcoming conference, they write:

“Following on from the success of our 2016 Conference, we are excited to inform you that we will be running the Second 2018 Teaching Judaism for GCSE Conference on November 7th 2018 at Marble Arch Synagogue.

What to expect

The day will begin with registration at 9.00am and finish at approximately 4.00pm.

The conference will include sessions on:

  • Nature of G-d

  • Moral Principles

  • Sabbath

  • Festivals

  • Cycle of Jewish Life

  • Tanach and Talmud

  • The Promised Land

  • Shekinah

  • Pikuach Nefesh

The cost per delegate is: £100 for the early bird offer – available until 10th October. £150 – any date after the 10th October .All day refreshments and a full Jewish lunch will be provided.

Please pass this on to any relevant colleagues or friends who are teaching Judaism at GCSE level who may be interested in participating in the training day.

To sign up to the training please go to this link:

Once you have signed up, an invoice will be sent to your school.

For any questions regarding the conference, please email

If you have any further requirements regarding Judaism educational resources or outreach educational programmes or require advice please email