Are we free to work well?

Are we free to work well? This question is posed on behalf of those working in prisons…

Prisons can be places of challenge and struggle, not only for those who are serving sentences, but also for those who are working in prisons, as chaplains, officers and support staff… Prisons can also be places of hope, connection and rehabilitation. Today we pray for those working in prison, continuing the theme of Freedom… what does freedom mean to you and are you free?

Are we free to work well?

Friday’s prayer for Prisons Week

Gracious God, who calls, equips and knows us, be with all who work in prison. May we not lose heart in a place where the reality of trauma and the risk of violence is a daily occurrence. Keep us from being imprisoned by our roles but instead set us free by your love, able to meet with others and understand their true needs in Christ. Tune us in to the surprising movement of your Spirit. Gracious God, set us free. Amen.

“We ask that you bless and protect all

who work in our prisons today.

Those with uniforms on, suits, overalls,

hard hats, and chef’s whites.

May we serve them well and rely on your strength to bring a sense of

your grace and peace wherever we go.”

A Prison Chaplain’s prayer

Prisons Week is a small charity which faithfully relies on sponsorship and donations to continue its work. Want to find out more? Able to make a donation to the vital work of Prisons Week?

(photo courtesy of Jonny Swales @ Unsplash)