Looking after mental health while in prison - a free resource for prisoners and chaplains

The Mental Health Foundation has developed an accessible and informative resource for male prisoners on how to look after their mental health whilst in prison. This guide is not only helpful for those serving sentences, but it has also proved useful for those supporting prisoners, such as prison charities and chaplains.

We are grateful to The Salvation Army Prison Ministries Unit for making us aware of this resource. They have been working closely with the Mental Health Foundation who, after producing this excellent free resource, are keen to share it widely and get it into prisons, so it can support those who are in need.

Inside the guide, there are links to other support organisations, general advice and guidance, as well as 10 tips for looking after one’s mental health in prison. These tips have come from prisoners themselves as well as researchers working in prison…

You can read more about this and download it for free, here.

(photo courtesy of Erol Ahmed at Unsplash)