Faith Leaders' Training Initiative

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

The Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion in collaboration with a series of consortium partners leads this work on behalf of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

This voluntary training is delivered both in-person in four locations across England (Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and London) and also online. It focusses on up-skilling faith leaders and improving their capacity to identify and address issues like domestic and sexual abuse and mental health concerns, as well educating them on equalities legislation and UK marriage law. The initiative seeks to develop well-qualified, informed and confident faith leaders who will be able to better support their communities and signpost them to the relevant professional services. The programme curriculum was designed and shaped in direct collaboration between the Government, the Cadbury Centre and leaders of various faiths and denominations to ensure the training offer meets the needs of religious ministers themselves.

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