Could your ministry be enriched by engaging with faith inspired art?

Exhibitions of faith inspired art can be an effective way of enhancing connections and deepening our faith experience. These can be a motivating agent and a way of engaging with each other and the issues around us.

Westhill Endowment own a number of exhibitions which they make available to venues across the country aiming to encourage conversation and reflection. The exhibitions are varied in both art form and subject matter.

Westhill have been active supporters of the work we do at FCG over the years. At a recent Free Church Education Committee meeting, our opening worship by some of the art works that churches and groups can take on loan.

Westhill says, “We also provide literature to use alongside the exhibits and ideas and support for arranging events and activities which enable conversation and reflection. For more information, or to visit us and view the exhibitions, please look at our website or contact us: E:  Tel: 0121 472 8000.”

Image from Meaningful Textiles piece by the late Pamela Pavitt

Pavitt’s work and those of many other artists are available on loan from Westhill