Exciting Christian Youth event coming up in September....

There is a dynamic and inspiring youth event coming up in September which we would like to share with you!


For the seventh year running, REBOOT is coming to London and this year they’ll be at Central Hall, Westminster. Last September, over 1,350 teenagers packed out the venue and we’re praying for at least as many this year – and hoping that number might include you and the young people in your congregation.

Please share news of this event with your churches, youth groups and communities!

You can download the event flyer and also a link to download the promo videos here, in case you’re interested to show them at your church. If you would like to receive hard copies of the flyer, please send an email to media@zachariastrust.org indicating the address and number of flyers you'd like and these will be mailed to you.

(photo courtesy of Devin Avery @ Unsplash)