PRISON - the facts - Summer 2019

Each season The Prison Reform Trust publish a bulletin outlining the state and statistics in British prisons.

They are a registered independent charity and their mission is to work to create a just, humane and effective penal system. They do this by inquiring into the workings of the system; informing prisoners, staff and the wider public and by influencing Parliament, government and officials towards reform.

The Prison Reform Trust's main objectives are: reducing unnecessary imprisonment and promoting community solutions to crime; improving treatment and conditions for prisoners and their families; promoting equality and human rights in the justice system.

You can read their latest news here.

The independent nature of the work they do means they can dig deep into the issues and policies affecting those serving prison sentences. You can read the summer report (Bromley Briefing) in full here… but here are a couple of stats which show some of the issues facing the sector and the prison population this summer: “The overall quality of teaching and learning in prisons in England has declined. Just two-fifths (42%) of prisons were rated as ‘good’ or better by inspectors in 2017–18, down from half the year before. More than three in five (62%) of people entering prison were assessed as having a reading age of 11 or lower —over three times higher than in the general adult population (15%).”

*** How does your church get involved with the life and times of those in prison and on their release?

Why not join in the wave of prayer for prisons in Prisons Week, coming up from 13th-19th October?

Perhaps you could offer a welcome to those who are leaving prison? The Welcome Directory can help you to prepare for this.

Theme for Prisons Week this year is based on Freedom - ‘He sets his people free. He made his agreement everlasting. He is holy and wonderful.’ Psalm 111:9 (NCV)

(photo courtesy of Damon Lam at Unsplash)