Education Sunday being celebrated on 8th Sept - join us!

Coming up soon! On 8th September, why not use these in your church service and share and pray through these unique resources, giving thanks to God for all those in our education system?

Education Sunday theme this year is: ‘Form and flourish - to re-form’. You can download, share and make use of the varied and inspiring resources on this theme HERE.

For well over a hundred years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education. This special day is coming up soon - Sunday 8th September. You can share and use the free resources on this day or at any time in the year!

This year the resources include a hymn written by our very own Sara Iles, FCG Education Assistant, based on Deuteronomy 32:11


Loving Lord, We think of the children and young people close to our hearts And know that they are precious in your sight, fearfully and wonderfully made; And so we place them into your hands today. Strengthen and nurture them. Be with them in their coming in and going out, At home, at school, at college, at university, In their sports, activities and clubs, their friendships and their quiet times. Mould them in your image, forming and reforming, Through the positive influence of those whose lives cross theirs, Through the love and example of those who care for them, And through the constant love of your Son, Jesus, who walks alongside them each step of their lives, known or unknown. Amen.

(photo courtesy of Quino Al at Unsplash)