Dear God, our Father, we are thankful this day for the blessings and mercies that You bestow on us. We remember at this time Her Majesty The Queen and her family. We pray for the health of The Queen. May You bless and keep her. Grant to her family and the nation your strength and peace today. These things we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Pray for young people on A-level, BTEC and T-level results day
Pray for young people on A-level, BTEC and T-level results day
We ask you to pray for all the young people who have received results today, and to give thanks for their teachers, who have guided and supported them.
The Methodist Church has a prayer for young people receiving results, which you can find here.
You can find resources to help your church support those who are going to university, or young people who come to your community as students here.
"We find peace in a broken place." Praying in Prisons Week
Prisons Week prayer for Saturday 16th October:
”Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24
We find peace in a broken place. God’s grace can give you new strength. My wounds you heal. Lord Jesus, how great you are! They control the locks, you Lord control the clocks. Time will pass and we will be free. Amen
“Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to his love, the future to his providence. ”
Thank you for joining us during Prisons Week for a week of prayer and reflection on the theme of Respair – the return of hope after a period of despair. You can continue to share and pray with the Prisons Week resources throughout the year and you may also be interested in the monthly prayer diary produced by our friends at Prison Fellowship.
May God bless you in your work and witness, your life and ministry. Amen
Revd Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer
(cover photo courtesy of Ante Gudelj at Unsplash)
Thank you from Bob and I and from all at Prisons Week!
It’s a heartfelt and prayerful THANK YOU from Revd Bob Wilson and I from FCG (pictured below) and from all of the sponsors of Prisons Week for joining hundreds of us in a wave of prayer throughout the week of prayer for Prisons Week.
You can continue to pray, view and share the Prisons Week materials throughout the year and we look forward to praying with you all again in October Prisons Week 2022.
Revd Bob Wilson sharing at Prisons Week event
Revd Sara Iles, at a Congregational Federation church, Bethlehem Blaenavon (CF are members of FCG)
Hope... pray with us in Prisons Week
Prisons Week prayer for Friday 15th October
”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Let us pray… Dear God, I hear your kind words of comfort and reassurance that you want me to prosper and not be harmed. Help me not to worry about my life, but to put my trust in you, to be happy and full of hope, love and gratitude.
To watch the thought-provoking and hope-filled film, Consider the Ravens,
made for Prisons Week this year: