May we have a blessed and peaceful new year, however we are able to serve in this coming year.
May Jesus, the Light of the World, light our path and lead us as we serve with courage and in faith in the years to come.
As we all look forward and think about how we can strengthen the work of our churches, you will find the recent report FCG has commissioned interesting and inspiring reading…
The report looks at the relationship between the Church and social cohesion in England. The project has been conducted by Theos, the UK’s leading think tank on religion and society issues. All of this extensive research and pioneering conversations have been captured in a new report and supplementary materials (for churches and for policy makers). And the good news is the report is out now! Now all the work of the last few years can take root and flourish in our churches; it can strengthen how we, as churches, work for the benefit of our communities, fostering and building social cohesion, to love our neighbour.
“For me, our report not only marks how well the Church moves from theory to practice, but highlights the ways in which we can continue to move forward, connecting communities and serving people even more effectively”
Our Moderator extends an invite to us all, saying, “We want to work together on connecting and serving, using the ‘How to’ booklets we have produced to encourage community leaders to engage with the Church while encouraging our individual congregations to engage with society.”