Beginning Chaplaincy...

There is a Beginning Chaplaincy course starting soon at St Padarn’s Institute in Llandaff.

Our Free Churches Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Rev Meg Burton, will be teaching on this programme, in early March, alongside colleagues.

What are your recollections of beginning a new course of study? I always feel there’s a sense of trepidation mingled with excitement when we begin a new course - lots of things to learn, new people to get to know, different concepts and ideas to encounter and engage with…

Please join with us as we pray for the tutors, support staff and students on this course, which is running from 7th until 11th March.

We pray for wisdom and understanding for the tutors; we pray for the wider staff at the college as they support this course and for the students, as they begin their studies into this vital area of ministry. May they be upheld in their studies and work; may this course provide a firm foundation from which to serve in the setting in which they minister. Amen

You can find out more about the Free Churches healthcare chaplaincy work here.


(photo courtesy of David Travis at Unsplash)