Racial Inequalities – what can your church do? Webinar on 23rd July

Webinar is coming up on the topic of: “Racial Inequalities – what can your church do”.

This will be on Thursday July 23rd; 2:00pm – 3:30pm.

Registration details via EventBrite

This webinar is the first in a series of four entitled “Racial Inequalities: What can your Church Do?” and is intended to equip the church in the widest sense to address some of the recommendations raised by the Lammy Report into racial disparities within the Criminal Justice system. This is a CPD Event for Free Churches Prison Chaplains

The series is intended to provide faith community leaders with practical but informed ideas for churches to take action that can help to reverse the worrying trends and see fairer outcomes for BAME people in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

We have examined the Lammy report, and suggested the focus for the webinar series, ‘ChangingTACK’ – on how churches can build Trust, Accountability, Community and Knowledge which will help them improve outcomes for BME people in the criminal justice system”.

For this, the first webinar, we are looking at building Trust: how the church can build trusting relationships with the community it serves, with criminal justice bodies and the police/police and crime commissioner and with individual troubled young people. The format will be: three participants each talking for 7-10 minutes; up to ten minutes’ discussion between the participants; with the remaining time allocated to questions. We are pleased that the contributors for this first webinar will be

  •                Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin (Bishop of Dover)

  •                DCC Vanessa Jardine (Deputy Chief Constable West Midlands Police)

  •                Revd Paul Rochester (General Secretary of Free Churches Group)

(photo courtesy of Hannah Busing at Unsplash)