Support for Free Church Higher Education Chaplains

The Higher Education Working Group has been in discussion with a number of Free Church chaplains in universities and has begun a programme of events to support them. The first of these events was a webinar: “Chaplaincy: ministry on the edge”, exploring the value of chaplaincy in universities.

  • Professor Kristin Aune, from the University of Coventry, shared insights from the recent research Chaplains on Campus;

  • Sally Bentley, recently-retired Executive Dean from the University of Bedfordshire spoke about the value of chaplaincy to the institution;

  • Stephen Heap, Chair of the HE Working Group, explored the churches’ perspective. 48 chaplains registered for the event. A recording is available HERE.

HE chaplains will be invited to virtual “Coffee and chat” sessions on a weekly basis from mid-August. Another webinar is planned for 9 September, exploring how community can be created when you can’t meet in person, led by Lawrence Moore.

(photo courtesy of Naassom Azevedo at Unsplash)