Public Panel Discussion: "No Child Left Behind: Digital Poverty & Roma Child Poverty" 2nd June

On 2nd June, Eurodiaconia are hosting a Public Panel Discussion on Zoom on the vital and timely topic of: "No Child Left Behind: Digital Poverty & Roma Child Poverty."

As part of a British Council some years ago, I was privileged to be able to work alongside teachers working with Roma families and saw the life changing work being done by Christian groups with other agencies, to ensure equality of access to education. The work I undertook was in UK, Spain and Romania, as part of a Grundtvig project.

This Europe-wide panel discussion, coming up next week, will highlight some of the key issues facing Roma children today with regards to lack of access to digital and other technologies which are used in educational delivery. (NB - event starts 9am UK time, 10am Brussels time)

Sara Iles, media support officer

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