How can your church support students

How your church can support students….

The A-level results are out, and many young people are looking forward to starting their university career in a few weeks’ time. For some of them, this will be the first time they’ve been away from home without family or friends, and it’s a big step. Whether you have young people in your church family who are starting university for the first time, or others who are returning, you might be wondering how you can support them.

If your church is in a place where there is a university nearby, there will be many new students in the area in the next few weeks. We have produced a series of 4 leaflets to help you think about what you can do as a church to support students in universities.

Branching Out offers suggestions about how to support those who are part of your church and who are going away.
Keeping in Touch explores ways in which you can maintain contact with young people who are starting student life.
Making a Difference is a collection of ideas about how to support university students in your community.
Home from Home will help you think about supporting students who come to your church.

These leaflets are free to download from the Free Churches Group website HERE.

We do have a limited number of printed copies available if you would like to circulate them around a group of churches, for example. Please contact our Education Secretary, Sarah Lane Cawte, if you would like us to send some to you ( We are only able to send these in quantities of 10 or above for each leaflet and would be pleased to receive a donation towards the cost of postage.

(cover photo courtesy of Redd @ Unsplash)