MEETING AGAIN - THE DISSENTING DEPUTIES 2023 at Free Church House 16th May, 6pm

This is a warm invitation to members of your church to join us here at Tavistock Square on 16th May 2023 at 6pm, when our distinguished speaker will be Sir Les Ebdon CBE, Chairman of the Governors of Spurgeon’s College and former Vice Chancellor of the University of Bedfordshire and former Director of Fair Access to Higher Education.

He will speak on “The Importance of being a Free Church today”, exploring the relevance of the principles our forebears held dear, especially the freedoms they fought to obtain and their continuing importance. It should be an evening of exceptional interest.

The “Dissenting Deputies” were established as elected lay people, working with the body of Ministers, in 1732 to fight for the removal of restrictions which excluded the churches and people we now call in the “Free Church” tradition from many areas of public life. We maintain this annual society to honour their work. Free speech can never be taken for granted. The body also keeps alive our historic right of direct approach to the Monarch. Today, the Free Churches Group carries out the Deputies’ functions relating to government, as we will hear during our very brief formal proceedings.

It would be really helpful to know, in advance, something of the numbers attending. Please return the attached form by post or email. Respecting our historical structure, it would be appropriate formally to nominate two “Deputies”, but all are welcome. Please display the poster. Our income is limited, and a contribution would be very welcome to help cover our meeting costs.

We know that Sir Les will give us a stimulating evening. Do come.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Rochester Keith Salway

An invitation letter is available to download here.

A poster is available to download here.

The Dissenter form is available to download here.