Churches Rural Group

The Centre for Rural Mission are seeking to appoint part time Operations Manager

The Centre for Rural Mission are seeking to appoint a part time Operations Manager to join their team.

The right person will be able to lift a number of responsibilities from the CEO’s shoulders, freeing Revd Barry Osborne up to spread the vision for rural mission and more. Both the advertisement and application pack can be found by clicking the button below.

Feel free to download the advert, post it in your church and share across your networks. Once this person is in post, they also plan to appoint more field workers in the coming months.

(cover photo courtesy of Colin Maynard at Unsplash)

"Rural Isolation and Loneliness" - a resource for your church, from the Arthur Rank Centre

Rural isolation and loneliness have long been issues across our nations; this has been particularly challenging in recent months. I am pleased to be able to share with you all a toolkit which has been developed by the Arthur Rank Centre to support rural churches with this vital issue.

It seems that scarcely a week goes by when the local or national media are not expressing concern about isolation or loneliness in our society.
Loneliness can have a profound effect on our physical as well as mental health, highlighted by the World’s experience of COVID-19.
— says the Arthur Rank Centre

Rural Isolation and Loneliness: A toolkit for rural churches was launched in 2014 when ARC produced a report for churches to use to support loneliness and isolation within their communities. The toolkit has recently been updated and refreshed – there is also a version available in the Welsh language.

(cover photo by Bonnie Kittle @ Unsplash)