Date and time: Thu, 5 Jun 2025 10:30 - 16:30 BST
Location: Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission, 49 City Road London EC1Y 1AU
One of the challenges for healthcare chaplaincy is to develop ways of demonstrating the benefit, impact and value of our care. Chaplains' work often relates to more intangible aspects of patient and staff care, which can be difficult to quantify and measure using traditional healthcare metrics. This study day (supported by the Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplains and the Free Churches Group,) is open to anyone to attend and will explore different and creative ways to showcase the positive influence of chaplaincy services.
Confirmed speakers include:
· Mark Evans, National Adviser for Spiritual Care in the Scottish Government on ‘Developing a Minimum Data Set in Scotland’.
· Frin Lewis-Smith, specialist chaplain for oncology and palliative care at Leeds Teaching Hospitals on ‘Spiritual pain by Numbers?’
· Steve Nolan Bereavement & Spiritual Care Lead, Princess Alice Hospice and Visiting Research Fellow at University of Winchester on ‘Learning from Case Studies.’
· Clare Pye, Research & Innovation Manager at St Luke's Hospice in Sheffield
Alongside speaker presentations, the day will include live storytelling from a number of chaplains as a way of exploring how stories can connect, challenge, inspire and validate us.
If you are a Free Church Chaplain or a member of AHPCC, please get in touch with Mark Newitt at for the discounted price.
Image by Bob Dmyt from Pixabay