National News

Joint civil society statement on the passage of the Illegal Migration Act, July 2023

The Government’s Illegal Migration Act doesn’t represent us or the society we all want to live in.

We’ve joined hundreds of organisations with a clear message:

We will always fight for People's right to seek safety and a better life. 

The statement is available to read here

For more information, please visit here.

‘Does government do God?’

Colin Bloom’s Independent Faith Engagement Review: ‘Does government do God?’ has been published today. You can find a link to the review here, and the press notice issued by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities here.


The review considers government’s engagement with faith, people of faith and places of worship across a broad range of themes including faith literacy across public services, faith in education, prisons and the probation service, the UK Armed Forces, faith-based extremism, financial and social exploitation, and forced marriage.


More than 21,000 people responded to the public consultation and today Colin Bloom has set 22 recommendations for government to consider. The key messages are that faith is an ‘overriding force for good’ and government needs to improve its engagement with these groups, and that a better understanding of faith will help government tackle systematic issues including forced marriages, child safeguarding and extremism.


It is important to note that this review is independent and does not represent UK government policy. Government will consider the findings and will respond in due course.

A Loyal Address from the Free Churches

The Free Churches Group was pleased to lead a delegation to Buckingham Palace to give a Loyal Address to King Charles on the occasion of His Majesty's Accession.

The ceremony for the presentation of Loyal Addresses by Privileged Bodies took place on Thursday, 9th March, 2023 and was followed by a reception.

A Loyal Address from the Free Churches, including

THE FREE CHURCHES GROUP, including representatives of the Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Churches



THE PROTESTANT DISSENTING DEPUTIES representing lay people of the Three Denominations


May it please Your Majesty

As representatives of the Free Churches, including the bodies of Protestant Dissenters enjoying the ancient and highly valued privilege of personal access to the Sovereign, we offer Your Majesty our loyal congratulations on Your Accession to the Throne.

At this time of complex change and crises, the need for spiritual support and loving communities has not been greater, and we thank God that we have a Christian monarch committed to serving this nation and the whole Commonwealth. These years of pandemic have been challenging, but we are grateful to God that our congregations have been enabled by the Holy Spirit to continue worshipping in new ways and serving their communities.

Ours are mostly gathered churches, experiencing friendship and care among ourselves, but at the same time seeking to be good neighbours in the way that our Lord Jesus Christ taught us by word and example – striving to share His love in our rich and increasingly diverse society. This concern for others has been demonstrated by an active involvement in education since the 17th Century, prison and hospital ministry since the 18th Century, and whilst some Free Church denominations have been involved in chaplaincy to the armed forces since the beginning of the 20th century, this opportunity has been recently extended to the full range of Free Churches.

We give thanks for the growing depth of love and understanding that exists between the many different Christian denominations within Your realm, and with communities of other faiths, and none. In all of these we have been grateful for the example both in word and deed that Your Majesty has displayed. The impact of global warming and the ecological crises are currently of concern to so many and we are grateful that this is a concern Your Majesty also shares.

We value the liberty we enjoy to worship according to our consciences and the freedom to proclaim the Gospel. We share with others a vigilant concern for the tolerance, freedom and mutual care we have enjoyed in Great Britain, represented by the privilege of address granted now through fourteen reigns, appreciating differences and valuing diversity.

May the celebration of Your Majesty’s Accession be a profound example of this United Kingdom coming together in celebration and an opportunity for many to demonstrate to Your Majesty their appreciation for Your service.

May the blessing of Almighty God continue to rest upon His Majesty the King.

This Loyal Address from the Free Churches is available to download HERE.

The Loyal Address - Verbal Address by Rev Helen Cameron, the Moderator of the Free Churches Group is available to download HERE.

Racial Justice Sunday 12 February 2023 – Stephen Lawrence

But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24)

22 April 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the racist killing of Black teenager, Stephen Lawrence, in Eltham, southeast London. In many respects, Racial Justice Sunday is one of the many legacies of Stephen Lawrence’s life. As such, in marking RJS, churches are remembering a young man who in life aspired to be an architect, but whose legacy has seen him become an architect for justice, equality, dignity and unity.

This anniversary is a key moment for church and society on these islands. Stephen’s killing was very much Britain’s ‘George Floyd moment’ as it clearly revealed the ugly face of British racism, in terms not only of the hatred of those who took this young man’s life, but also of the institutional variety that characterised the appalling investigation into his killing. Akin to all such tragedies, it is a moment for reflection which will enable us to assess what, if any, progress has been made since that tragedy.


Racial Justice Sunday resources are produced by CTBI’s sponsoring churches. The resource for 2023 will provide readers with opportunities to pray and take action on racial justice-related matters.

The first part of the resource includes excellent liturgical and creative prayers prepared by Phill Melstrom, the Worship Development Worker at the Church of Scotland. This material provides multifarious entry points for any engagement with the subject matter. Equally, we have outstanding worship-related material written by Mark Sturge, a prime mover with Black Majority Churches that will resonate especially with those from Pentecostal congregations. Both items capture the richness and diversity of devotions and worship in our churches.

The second part of the resource includes a variety of reflections from Christians who were around at the time of Stephen Lawrence’s killing. It also features contributions from younger racial justice champions who reflect on what Stephen’s murder means to them as Christians living in a world that is still grappling with racial justice.

Richard Reddie, Director of Justice and Inclusion, CTBI

Download Racial Justice Sunday 2023 – Stephen Lawrence (PDF)

Record demand for blood donations to help sickle cell patients prompts urgent call for donors of Black heritage

We’re proud to be supporting Black History Month this October. We would love your help promoting our #InOurBlood campaign, as we continue to increase the number of people of Black heritage donating blood. For many people with Sickle cell, ethnically matched blood often provides the best treatment, and this year we need 16,600 Black Caribbean or Black African donors to help save or improve lives.

It's #InOurBlood to help people living with sickle cell. Strength can be found in communities coming together - just like a family. That's why Black communities have the unifying power to treat sickle cell and help friends and neighbours who are battling this disease. During Black History Month, we are urging people of Black heritage to donate blood.

Sickle cell is a serious, lifelong and life-threatening blood disorder that mainly affects people of Black African and Black Caribbean ethnicity. New figures from NHS Blood and Transplant reveal that a record 250 donations are now needed every day to treat people with sickle cell, many of whom who need regular blood transfusions every four to six weeks.

This figure shows a huge increase in demand - only 150 donations a day were needed five years ago.

And hospital demand is likely to rise even further, by 14% over the next five years.

Blood donations save lives.

Sickle cell is the fastest growing genetic disorder/condition in the UK. Sickle cell symptoms include anaemia, strokes, blindness, bone damage, and over time can experience damage to organs, such as liver, kidney, lungs, heart and spleen. Ethnically matched blood provides the best treatment - without it people with sickle cell are at risk of strokes, organ failure or even death. This year 16,600 Black Caribbean or Black African donors are urgently needed to give patients the life enhancing and life saving treatments they need. The power to treat sickle cell is #InOurBlood.

How you can help

Child laughing with graphic containing messaging 'Not family, but blood' and It's #InOurBlood to treat sickle cell. Book today at

You can help us save lives by sharing our campaign messaging and assets to your followers.

#InOurBlood suggested social media posts:

The power to help treat sickle cell is #InOurBlood. Blood donors of Black heritage are urgently needed. Help save up to 3 lives in one hour. Book now at

Not family, but blood

It’s #InOurBlood to treat sickle cell.

Just 60 minutes can save up to 3 lives. Book now at

Accompanying #InOurBlood assets:

Please accompany your posts with campaign assets from our promoting donation hub.

Please support us by sharing this campaign toolkit with your family and friends -

NHS Blood and Transplant

 Twitter @NHSBT  
