Prisons Week - Thought of the Day (Thursday), with Hugh Osgood


Today our focus is on post-prison support.

Yesterday we spoke of Jeremiah, today we think briefly of King Jehoiachin (whom Jeremiah called Coniah). King Jehoiachin was carried off to a Babylonian prison as an eighteen year old who had only reigned in Jerusalem for three months.

Thirty-seven years later he was released and given a place at the King of Babylon’s table. Not everyone gets this well treated on their release and how people are actually treated is a topic that warrants our attention.

King Jehoiachin didn’t exactly get his old job back but he regained respect and was given accommodation.

Housing, work and respect are all important. Resettling into society is never easy and most people will need help.

Prison chaplains working on the inside are always looking for welcoming churches and communities on the outside. During Prisons Week this has to be a matter for practical action as well as prayer. Those who are released are entitled to a place at the King’s table spiritually, but we also need to think practically.

May God give us the grace to pray and act.