
Reforming Christianity: A new resource for Key Stages 2-4

Welcome to REforming Christianity

An inspiring and interesting range of RE teaching resources about the Reformation has been commissioned by the Free Churches Group and The Methodist Church, sponsored by the Westhill Endowment and produced in association with RE Today Services.

A new teaching resource for Religious Education for teachers

working with children and young people at Key Stages 2-4.

These resources are free to download and use in RE classrooms. 

How can I get these resources?

Simply e-mail us at
We will send you a password which will give you full access to all the resources.

All we ask in return is that you complete a questionnaire when you have used some or all of the resources for your age-group. We will use your feedback to develop further resources, and will have a better understanding of what works well in the classroom.

The resources consist of:

  • 6 x Key Stage 2 lessons - A man called Luther; What was Luther's gift to the people? The Bible in translation; Wycliffe and Tyndale; Christian reformers
  • 6 x Key Stage 3 lessons - Martin Luther and how the church changed; The Bible in English; Non-conforming in England; How Christian attitudes to slavery changed; the Bible and slavery. 
  • 6 x Key Stage 4 lessons (in line with GCSE specifications) - Visions of Salvation (beliefs and teaching); Trinity (beliefs and teaching); Worship (practices); Local Church (practices); Baptism (practices); Eucharist (practices). 


(Image shared, with kind permission of mission enabler, Adrian Wyatt of Xross Purposes. Visio Divina photography workshops; tel: 07976 362 615)

FCG Education Prayer (Week 5) - focus on all those in formal and informal education

Loving God,

We pray for all of those in formal and informal education: for those in colleges, universities, in our churches, our Bible study groups, our local schools, for those throughout our community centres, in evening classes and those exploring new pathways. Guide them and support them.

We pray that it is a time of transformation, joy, challenge, personal growth and vocational.
We pray for those in training for ministry and Christian service in our own denominations and across the member churches of the Free Churches Group.

We pray for the students and tutors involved in theological education and ministerial formation. May God uphold, provoke and guide them.

We pray for all those who are on a path to seek 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

Loving God, encourage us to keep praying on this, to learn and share more about the gift of
education and to act with courage, conscience and conviction in your name!

In Jesus' name, our friend and teacher,


(Image shared, with kind permission of Adrian Wyatt of Xross Purposes. Visio Divina photography workshops; contact Adrian for further information on tel: 07976 362 615)

FCG Education Prayer (Week 4) - Focus on Higher Education

A call to prayer

Merciful God,

We pray for all those starting university courses for degrees and vocational programmes.
We know this is a time of great change, so we humbly ask that you uphold and guide the
students at this time of transition.

We pray for the tutors and chaplains in universities - loving God, give them the wisdom, clarity
and patience to support the students and staff with compassion.

Living God, we pray for the parents, carers and church families who are waving off their
church / family members who are embarking on university courses. Give the parents, carers
and our churches the courage to be brave about this change in their family and church
community, as they see their loved ones go on to a new phase in life.

Majestic God, as students aim higher and develop their God-given potential, give students
firm foundations in your wisdom, rooted in your love and stability.

In Jesus' precious name,


(Image courtesy of Ade Wyatt, Xross Purposes -  Visio Divina tel: 07976 362 615)


Want to learn more? Why should churches get involved? Find out more about university
chaplains in your area - through a national ministry partner of the Scripture

A call to act

Do you know much about the universities in your area?
Have members of your own church family moved on to study at University this month? Are
you feeling equipped to welcome those moving into your area?

To find out more about this, why not check our these resources?

Student Christian Movement pack