
Fruitfulness on the Frontline...

The national Christian FE charity Festive have produced some inspiring and helpful resources for Christian Unions in colleges and for use in Christian youth groups in your churches and communities.

The resources are produced in partnership with The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) and are designed to support us to a 'make a difference where we are'! You can download and share these resources, free of charge, from the Festive website HERE

Here is an extract from the introduction:

  • "Have you ever wondered: How can I make everything I do in my place of education count for Jesus and his Kingdom?
  • How am I supposed to live as someone who belongs to God where I study?
  • Festive has teamed up with LICC to adapt their amazing Fruitfulness on the Frontline (FOFL) resource to help you bear good fruit in your college in everything you do!"

Photo credit for picture of blossom on this article: Melissa, aged 13 

Check out and share the resources with your churches and youth groups... HERE

Exam season....

As we approach the exam season for many children, young people and students in schools, colleges and universities across the UK, why not share the Gathering Prayer from last year's Education Sunday resources in your churches in the coming weeks? This can be used, shared and adapted during your prayers of intercession for the needs in your community.

It can be a time of great stress for children and young people, as focus their energies on revision and planning for exams.... so join us as we pray for schools, colleges, young people, students and teachers.... Let us pray... 

And what will you be doing on Sunday 9th September 2018?

For well over a hundred years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education. The theme is to be announced soon and the materials will be available to download in the summer. This is devised by an ecumenical steering group representing different Christian denominations and organisations. The resources are intended to be used as a springboard for a variety of events on or around Education Sunday.

So make a note in your diary and check out the resources later in the summer. 

The date for 2018 is 9th September 2018


The Association of Christian Teachers (ACT) aims to serve, inspire and equip Christians working in education. They produce a range of resources and materials to support and encourage Christians working across all sectors of education. They also have a monthly prayer diary which can be used in your churches - today ACT ask us to pray for volunteers who are taking assemblies in schools. Maundy Thursday is a poignant day and has much to teach us.

Let us pray...

Loving God, we ask that you uphold and strengthen Christian volunteers today, who are taking assemblies in schools across the UK and in the coming weeks as they seek to illuminate the story of Easter, offering hope and resurrection joy... 

May each one of them be guided by your Holy Word and inspired by the model of Jesus Christ, in his humility and his trust in You.


You can see and share the ACT Prayer Diary HERE

This Bible reading can help us in our prayers and reflections...

John 13:12-16 (ESV): "When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him."

The Association of Christian Teachers, also known as ACT, is a Christian membership organisation that provides professional and spiritual support to Christians engaged in pre-school, primary, middle, secondary, special, college and university education in England. The ACT are active members of the Pray for Schools steering group. 


As part of our aim to feature resources and links from partner organisations and member churches, we are pleased to share a link to some Easter resources developed by the Spinnaker Trust. Martin Sweet is Director of Spinnaker Trust and an active member of the Free Church Education Committee. Martin also serves on the Baptist Education Group. 

These Easter resources are suitable for primary age children, but would be interesting and thought provoking for use in any setting... you can download the materials, free of charge, from the Spinnaker website HERE

The Trust writes: "Our featured Easter Assembly resource is taken from a series in which we use various storytelling techniques and visual aids to bring the stories of Jesus to life. Our method is not to re-write stories into modern settings, but to fuel our listener’s imaginations and reflections with word and picture. This, 'the Empty Box' story works well as part of the series or as a stand alone assembly. Spinnaker’s teams have used many of these ideas time and again, so we know that children have gained both knowledge and understanding through these stories. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have!"

Spinnaker supports and resources teachers in primary schools by leading assemblies and RE lessons and by providing opportunities for children to engage with Christianity. We also aim to equip churches to bridge the gap between themselves and their wider community by establishing links with local primary schools..

Speaking of education...

The Free Church Education Committee will be meeting later in March to continue to consider, plan and act upon areas across all sectors of education - schools, further education (FE) and higher education (HE). You can read more about the vital work of the Committee HERE

One of our Committee members, Martin Sweet, published an article in the Baptist Times a while back - Martin is Director of Spinnaker Trust and speaks on behalf of the Baptist Education Group (The Baptist Union of Great Britain are members of the Free Churches Group). You can read this powerful and challenging article HERE

You may be interested in the article and the reasons behind why he cares about education and how our actions speak louder than words...! 

** What do you do you in your church to speak up for issues which matter in education?

** How could you extend how your voice, as a Christian, is heard?

** How could you speak and act more powerfully in education and training? 

** How might you get more involved in this work across and within your community? 

Please pray for the work of the FC Education Commitee and the forthcoming spring meetings... 


The FC Education Committee - The group seeks to encourage and support regular involvement of Free Churches in education by: reflecting on the many current concerns in any field of education and to advise or suggest an appropriate response; coordinating an appropriate response from Free Church denominations through cooperation and networking; raising awareness to ensure that member denominations, such as Baptists, and their congregations and families, are informed and empowered; promoting good, Christian values within education for all pupils; maintaining a Free Church voice within education.