
Praying for half term holidays

As part of our goal to feature articles and prayers from FCG member groups, here is a prayer written by the Congregational Federation for half term…

Prayers for this week 
Let’s pray for rest as schools and half term holidays start,
That those leading youth groups, teachers and all those who work with children can rest. 
We also pray for protection on children - that children are cared for and enjoy the week. 
We pray for any activities that may be taking place in our churches this week.


You can find out more about the work of the CF HERE.

FCG are also part of a wider ecumenical network called Pray for Schools - you can find out more about this work HERE.

Celebrating half a century of The Open University

25 years ago, I began a course with The Open University (OU). It was a Diploma in European Humanities. It was at a time when I was working full time as a tutor in the Civil Service. The OU gave me a chance to study part time in a subject area that interested me, whilst continuing to work. I went on to gain a BA in Humanities which included taking modules in Religious Studies. The courses I took with the OU gave me the confidence to start a Theology degree and train for Christian Ministry. Join with me as I celebrate fifty years since the OU was set up. Let’s recognise the gift and the power of learning across all sectors and contexts.

Have you done a course lately? How does your church group / denomination support learning provision?

Perhaps there are some courses you can get involved in, to deepen your faith, train for Christian service or discern and respond to a Christian calling?

Sara Iles, FCG Education Assistant

The FCG are passionate about helping churches engage with learning and higher education in their communities. You can read more about the work the FCG has been doing in the field of higher education and read the report Hope in HE HERE.

A call to pray

Loving God, we pray for all of those in formal and informal education: for those in colleges, universities, in our churches, our Bible study groups, our local schools, for those throughout our community centres, in evening classes and those exploring new pathways. Guide them and support them.

We pray that it is a time of transformation, joy, challenge, personal growth and vocational. We pray for those in training for ministry and Christian service in our own denominations and across the member churches of the Free Churches Group.

We pray for the students and tutors involved in theological education and ministerial formation. May God uphold, provoke and guide them.

We pray for all those who are on a path to seek 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

Loving God, encourage us to keep praying on this, to learn and share more about the gift of education and to act with courage, conscience and conviction in your name!

In Jesus' name, our friend and teacher, Amen

Student Sunday is coming up soon....

The Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) is coordinated by the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), and has been celebrated since 1898, making it one of the oldest ecumenical days of prayer. It is marked on the third Sunday of February every year, serving as a tangible sign of our common life, connecting student movements and WSCF friends across the world. It’s coming up soon - this Sunday! 17th February - join in, join us, as we pray….

The FCG have been working with the Student Christian Movement over the last few years, as part of our work to develop how our churches can engage with higher education (HE) and universities. You can read more about the work FCG have done in the field of HE HERE.

Join students and churches around the world in February each year to mark the Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) or 'Student Sunday'. Save the date for 2019: 17th February. 

SCM has produced a resource toolkit for 2019 that can be used by churches, student groups and individuals. You can download a copy of the 2019 Student Sunday resources here. The theme this year is Wondering and Wandering.


A call to pray

Merciful God, we pray for all those who are on university courses for degrees and vocational programmes.
We pray especially for those whom this is a new start… We know this can be a time of great change, so we humbly ask that you uphold and guide the students at this time of transition.

We pray for the tutors and chaplains in universities - loving God, give them the wisdom, clarity and patience to support the students and staff with compassion.

Living God, we pray for the parents, carers and church families who know and care for students. Give the parents, carers and our churches the courage to support and guide students.

Majestic God, as students aim higher and develop their God-given potential, give students firm foundations in your wisdom, rooted in your love and stability.

In Jesus' precious name, Amen

Calling all education chaplains...

Do you or someone you know in your church serve as a college or school chaplain?

Chaplaincy Central is conducting a survey.

At the Free Churches Group over the last few years we have been working hard to gather information and raise the profile of educational chaplaincy work. You can read about the FCG work in education HERE and the recent work done in the field of further education and chaplaincy HERE. .

Chaplaincy Central is undertaking a survey of current chaplains in school and FE colleges. It will take just a few minutes of your precious time to complete and they hope you will forward the link to other chaplains you know, so they can complete it too.

The aim of the Chaplaincy Central survey is to gain a better understanding of the work of chaplains and of chaplaincy in education which in turn can help in recruitment, resources, training and support, all things we are passionate about in Chaplaincy Central. Complete the survey HERE.

Perhaps in the coming weeks, at your church, you would like to pray for the work of chaplains who work in education?

Loving God

We pray for the chaplains who serve ain our schools, colleges, universities and learning providers,

We pray that they have the courage, wisdom and stamina to support the children, students and staff.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen

Love Our Schools.... let us pray

The FCG has been working with Pray for Schools for many years, as part of the Steering Group, and in partnerships with activities and prayer networks.

There is a call to prayer this week called: ‘Love our Schools'.

At Pray for Schools, they say that we long for every school in the land to be a prayed for school! Why not choose a date for this week?

All through the year hundreds of prayer groups meet together to pray because they want to support their local schools. As we look forward to the new hope that springtime brings, we thought it’d be great to encourage Christians up and down the country to join together to ‘Love our Schools’!

You can get involved at your local church or in your Bible study groups and fellowships, by downloading and sharing this free prayer resource HERE.

This inspiring and kind resources sheet includes ways we can bless our schools too!