
Pray for those getting exam results today....

A prayer from the Pray for Schools group…

Loving God,

We pray for all students receiving results today. We give thanks for all who have done well and pray for those who are disappointed.

Help them as they decide their future and may they know you are with them.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

FCG have had a long standing and productive relationship with the Pray for Schools steering group. You can find out more about their work here.

A date for your diary - Pray Day for Schools 19th November - a day when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer.

(photo courtesy of Diana Simumpande at Unsplash)

Do you teach RE or know someone who does?

Do you or someone you know teach RE?

Are you busy planning RE content for the next academic year?

If the answer is YES… then you might be interested in these resources created by FCG in partnership with the The Methodist Church. This work has been sponsored by the Westhill Endowment and produced in association with RE Today Services.

Reforming Christianity is a free resource for teachers to share with children in Key Stages 2-4 - it’s all about history, impact and Christian witness of the Reformation.

(Image courtesy of Samuel Zeller at Unsplash)

Form and Flourish - to re-form... that's the theme for this year's Education Sunday!

Education Sunday theme this year is: ‘Form and flourish - to re-form’. You can download, share and make use of the varied and inspiring resources on this theme HERE.

For well over a hundred years there has been an annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education. This special day is coming up soon - Sunday 8th September. You can share and use the free resources on this day or at any time in the year!

This year the resources include a hymn written by our very own Sara Iles, FCG Education Assistant, based on Deuteronomy 32:11!


Loving Lord, We think of the children and young people close to our hearts And know that they are precious in your sight, fearfully and wonderfully made; And so we place them into your hands today. Strengthen and nurture them. Be with them in their coming in and going out, At home, at school, at college, at university, In their sports, activities and clubs, their friendships and their quiet times. Mould them in your image, forming and reforming, Through the positive influence of those whose lives cross theirs, Through the love and example of those who care for them, And through the constant love of your Son, Jesus, who walks alongside them each step of their lives, known or unknown. Amen.

(Image courtesy of Swapnll Dwivedi at Unsplash)

New website for RE Today

FCG has been active partners with RE Today over the last few years. We collaborated with them on our Reforming Christianity resources.

RE Today is delighted to announce that its new website is now live. The website showcases how RE Today works with schools, SACREs, funders supporting them with high-quality, bespoke RE consultancy services. It also has a resource section which signposts teachers to over 1500 resources which are now all available on the NATRE website with a simple search facility, as well as searchable CPD section. If you are interested in Religious Education or are seeking ideas to use in your churches, their new website is well worth a browse!

Take a look for yourself HERE.

Photo courtesy of Debby Hudson @ Unsplash

Pray for Schools - summer newsletter

For many years, the FCG has been active and diligent members of the Pray for Schools steering group. Their work has been going from strength to strength, engaging many churches and groups in praying for schools across the UK.

You can find out more about their interesting and varied work HERE and register for the newsletter HERE.

Let us pray….. Loving God, thank you for our schools.

We praise You Lord, for You are full of love, peace and hope. Please help us to be people of good news sharing your love, peace and hope into schools. Please help us to build good relationships with everyone. Please help us to be peace makers when there is tension and stress. Please help us to bring hope when there is despair and dejection. Please help us inspire others to be joyful when there is much to celebrate. Please help us demonstrate your love. Amen

Date for your diary! Pray Day is the third Tuesday of November every year when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer. This year it will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2019, with schools across the UK taking part. Join in the wave of prayer for our schools in your churches!

(photo courtesy of Naassom Azevedo at Unsplash)

(Prayer written by Lisa Jones, Scripture Union’s representative on the Pray for Schools Steering Group)