
Pop-Up Nativity

Over the last few years, the Education Team at FCG has enjoyed a fruitful and productive working relationship with Open The Book, through our work as part of the Pray for Schools steering group.

You may well have already come across the dynamic work done by the Christian charity, Open The Book, who support programmes to develop Bible reading in primary schools. Their work is thought provoking and engaging.

This year they have been celebrating two decades of involvement and sharing by churches and volunteers in primary schools. They have some excellent resources you can use and share - why not take a look at the materials for the Pop-Up Nativity? Go on… Open The Book…! Share the Good News

(image courtesy of ProChurch Media at Unsplash)

Working in schools? Christmas teaching materials to share

Barnabas in Schools have produced an interesting and engaging range of resources for churches to share with schools they work with.

They’re all about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.

You can see the way that people in Peru celebrate the birth of Jesus HERE.

They have produces materials about other countries too, including Uganda and the Philippines.

Around the world Barnabas and celebrating Christmas as a global church…

The Barnabas in Schools Prayer

Jesus, you chose a child as a model for adult maturity and of God’s presence among us. Thank you for our schools with their teachers and children. 

Together may they create: safe places for lives to flourish; happy places for wonder and discovery; hopeful places of peace and healing; stimulating places of learning and laughter; places where everyone feels valued and respected; places that offer security and stability to all; places where both old and young can find purpose and direction in life.


(photo courtesy of Catherine AGM at Unsplash)

The General Election and Education: some things to consider

There are many things for Christians to think about as we approach a General Election. One area the Free Churches have long been concerned about is education. We were pioneers in areas like teacher education and creating wider access to higher education and still have an active interest. The Free Church Education Committee (FCEC) has a deep interest in schools and has done particular work on further and higher education over recent years. Visit the Education section of the Free Churches Group website and follow the links to learn about that work and see the documents the committee has produced.

You can read the full FCG FCEC summary and source document for the

General Election and Education HERE.

We have written two further papers - one on schools and further education (FE)[in England} and one on universities, which set out more of our thinking relevant to the Election:

We encourage all who can to pray for those involved in education at all levels, and to engage with what the political parties and individual candidates are saying about education in the run up to the General Election. To help with that, we have produced the following headline points. They arise from our work and express some hopes, aspirations and visions for education, arising from Christian understandings, and which we believe will benefit individuals and communities. We hold a vision for education which is:

1.                   Holistic. It is about fullness of life for all, the development of the whole person, helping each to reach their God-given potential. So we seek education which embraces a broad and balanced curriculum, covering the vocational and academic, the artistic, cultural and spiritual, which deals with questions of morality and which enables the development of skills for work and living.

2.                   About the good of the whole community. Our thinking is inspired by the Kingdom teaching of Jesus; the seeking of a world of justice and peace where all can flourish. Education seeking such will be about the economic; it will also, and equally, be about such things as citizenship, social inclusion, community cohesion and helping students engage with the big (and not so big!) issues society faces.

3.                   For all. All are made in the image of God and so of inestimable value, whatever their age, ethnicity, social or economic background. Constant effort is needed to ensure that those from lower socio-economic groups and minority ethnic groups are not disadvantaged. That means policies, plans and resources to help pre-school services, schools, colleges and universities to enable all to flourish and become all they can be.

4.                   Not just about the economic! There is a huge stress at present on education serving the economy, preparing people for work. That matters; work is one way we seek to advance our individual and common life. Ultimately, however, an education system over-dominated by economic criteria will fail students and society, for human living is about far more than the economic. It is about beauty, truth, what is (or might be) good, about faith and hope and reaching out throughout life for a future better than the present. A question might be: does what is being offered in this school, college, university, and the policy framework within which they operate, encourage us to look up and dream?

5.                   Held to account in clear and appropriate ways. As it is about the good of society, and the common nurturing of the young, society has an interest in what happens in education. How that accountability happens needs to be through clear systems and structures which reflect the concerns we express here, the legitimate interests of many different stakeholders and taking seriously things central to education, such as academic freedom. That is true of governance, assessments, and all mechanisms through which the various sectors in education are monitored and inspected. 

6.                   Which advances religious understanding. Religion is a hugely important force in the world and, we believe, a profound source of wisdom for living. Not all will hold the latter; the former is difficult to refute. It is therefore important that students at all levels have the opportunity to access high quality teaching about the world religions, and, indeed, about non-religious world views, that knowledge and understanding might grow.

These points arise from our own work on education. We put them together here whilst Party Manifestos are being launched. Readers might like to use what is here as they consider what the Parties and candidates say about education, and use them as they form their own views, and in posing questions to candidates.

On behalf of the Free Church Education Committee & Free Churches Group

Other useful links from JPIT and CTBI:

...which offer further information about other issues connected with the election, prayer suggestions and information about holding hustings.

(photo courtesy of Plush Design Studio @ Unsplash)

An Advent gift from Barnabas in Schools

Many of you will be working with children’s groups in churches, schools and across your communities over the Advent and Christmas period. There are lots of resources available online and in other publications.

One resource that you may be interested in using and sharing with your children’s groups has just been published by Barnabas in Schools .

They have produced a series of films about the preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ, anticipating the celebration of his birth in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. You can watch and share these HERE.

The Barnabas in Schools Prayer

Jesus, you chose a child as a model for adult maturity and of God’s presence among us. Thank you for our schools with their teachers and children. Together may they create: safe places for lives to flourish; happy places for wonder and discovery; hopeful places of peace and healing; stimulating places of learning and laughter; places where everyone feels valued and respected; places that offer security and stability to all; places where both old and young can find purpose and direction in life. Amen

(photo courtesy of Debby Hudson @ Unsplash)

Join us as we pray today... having courage and being fearless!

Inspired by passages from Philippians and Joshua, today we are joining churches, schools and communities across Europe to pray for schools….

‘Shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.’ (The Message, Phil. 4:7)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (NIV, Joshua 1:9)

The Free Churches Group have a fruitful and prayerful working relationship with the Pray for Schools network. Here are this year’s Pray Day for Schools resources for you to share and pray with, in your homes, house groups, churches and communities.

(Pray Day is the third Tuesday of November every year when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer. This year it will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2019, with schools, churches and communities across the UK taking part.)

(photo courtesy of Sammie Vasquez at Unsplash)