
Working in a primary school or leading children's groups at your church?

Barnabas in Schools has produced a wide range of engaging and thought- provoking materials for Lent, Holy Week and Easter.

Barnabas in Schools is a professional education service provider to primary schools and works throughout England and Wales. They offer quality creative arts-based Barnabas RE Days for pupils and specialist INSET sessions for teachers. They also provide free ideas for collective worship, RE and classroom reflection, as well as books and resources. Their overall aim is to enable schools to explore Christianity creatively and confidently.

Check out their Lent and Easter resources HERE.


The Barnabas in Schools Prayer Jesus, you chose a child as a model for adult maturity and of God’s presence among us. Thank you for our schools with their teachers and children. Together may they create: safe places for lives to flourish; happy places for wonder and discovery; hopeful places of peace and healing; stimulating places of learning and laughter; places where everyone feels valued and respected; places that offer security and stability to all; places where both old and young can find purpose and direction in life. Amen


(photo courtesy of Neal E. Johnson at Unsplash)

A message from the Chair of the RE Council of England and Wales

The RE Council of England and Wales reports,

“It is with a mixture of pleasure and sadness that I announce that our CEO Rudi Eliott Lockhart has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Schools Association (ISA) with effect from the 1st August 2020. My pleasure is for Rudi and his family as this position offers them opportunities the REC could not offer. My sadness is that we are losing a talented and highly committed CEO. He will be greatly missed.”

Rudi took up this post with RE Council in November 2014. He has made a considerable and positive impact in the life and work of the RE Council. He will be greatly missed. We wish him every blessing in his next role and pray for the work of the RE Council going forward, as they chart a way through this new phase.

(photo courtesy of Colin Watts at Unsplash)

A day of prayer across the planet - for students

This Sunday (16th Feb) marks a day of prayer across the world! The Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) is co-ordinated by the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)

It has been celebrated since 1898, making it one of the oldest ecumenical days of prayer. Join us and many others across the earth as we pray together for students… The Student Christian Movement (SCM), who have been active members of the FCG Higher Education Working Group, says… “We invite all our members and friends to unite in prayer for the world, the church and students on 16th February 2020.” SCM has produced a resource toolkit for 2020 that can be used by churches, student groups and individuals. You can download a copy of the 2020 Student Sunday resources here. The theme this year is Known By Name.

Here is one of the prayers from the SCM Known By Name toolkit for 2020


Briefing on the Schools Curriculum for Wales 2022

Cytûn, Churches Together in Wales, has shared a briefing, developed in partnership with others, on the Schools Curriculum for Wales 2022 - the Welsh Government published its new Curriculum for Wales to be introduced in schools from September 2022 and Cytûn has provided representation for faith communities throughout the process of preparing this curriculum.

They have done this by being part of the Curriculum Strategic Stakeholders’ Group (representing the Faith Communities Forum), the Education strand of the Third Sector Partnership Council (representing the Inter-faith Council for Wales), by many direct meetings with Welsh Government officials (some jointly with the Free Church Council for Wales, the Church in Wales, the Catholic Education Service and/or Welsh Humanists), by convening an inter-faith meeting with the Education Minister to discuss Relationships and Sexuality Education, and most recently by membership of the Faith/BME Community Involvement Group.

You can download the briefing paper and find out more about the work of Cytûn HERE

(photo courtesy of Kari Shea at Unsplash)

Student Sunday - a day of prayer across the world!

This Sunday (16th Feb) marks a day of prayer across the world! The Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) is co-ordinated by the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), and has been celebrated since 1898, making it one of the oldest ecumenical days of prayer. It serves as a tangible sign of our common life, connecting student movements across the world. Join us and many others across the earth as we pray together for students… The Student Christian Movement (SCM), who have been active members of the FCG Higher Education Working Group, says… “We invite all our members and friends to unite in prayer for the world, the church, students, and  WSCF itself on 16th February 2020.” SCM has produced a resource toolkit for 2020 that can be used by churches, student groups and individuals. You can download a copy of the 2020 Student Sunday resources here. The theme this year is Known By Name.

You can find out more about the resources the FCG has developed to support you, your church and students who are moving away and coming into your community. If you and your church are supporting young people who are going off to university, then you might find these leaflets we have published useful.

A prayer from the SCM Known by Name resources that you can download for free HERE

A prayer from the SCM Known by Name resources that you can download for free HERE