
Care in the Classroom...

Spinnaker “support primary schools with assemblies, clubs and RE lessons" and are based in the South East, but their resources and support materials are available for all schools, churches and children’s groups to use and share.

They are very pleased to be able to offer this 'Pastoral Primer' to any and all Teachers and Learning Support Staff. “Caring in the Classroom”.

You can find out more about their work HERE.

Spinnaker - engaging, inspiring, equipping

(image below from Spinnaker, cover photo courtesy of Khadeeja Yasser at Unsplash)


A Free Churches letter to the Minister of State for Universities

The Free Churches Group has written an open letter to Michelle Donelan MP, Minister of State for Universities, highlighting the challenges faced by the sector because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and urging her to put safeguard the well-being of students and the ongoing contribution of universities to society.

Revd Paul Rochester, the General Secretary of the Free Churches Group points out the risk that groups of students and potential students who are already disadvantaged, might encounter further barriers if provision is not made to address the “digital divide” in society.

The use of graduate salaries as a measure of quality of education is criticised as it disadvantages universities and other providers which prepare students for careers in lower-paid but crucial roles in healthcare and other vocations that benefit society.

Universities, the letter says, should be key agents for social mobility, overcoming barriers to opportunity arising from social class, ethnicity, location or disability.

The churches have a role to play in supporting universities, their staff and students, from welcoming international students to providing spaces for study if social distancing means that university campuses have reduced capacity.

The letter ends with an invitation to the Minister to have further conversation about ways in which churches might play a significant role in the national recovery and other areas of education policy.

You can read the full text of the letter HERE.

The Free Churches Group is an ecumenical body of 24 denominations and church groups that work together to promote faithful witness in the public square.

For further information please contact:
Sarah Lane Cawte, Free Churches Education Officer        0203 651 8339

To see the Free Churches Group’s publications and statements on education, visit

(photo courtesy of Kate Macate at Unsplash)

Sharing some good news!

Barbara Easton, a long standing and dedicated member of the Free Church Education Committee (FCEC) has been elected to serve as the Vice-President of the Methodist Conference for 2021/22. She joins with Rev Sonia Hicks who will serve as the President. Warmest congratulations to you both on your election, from all in the FCEC! You can read the full story here.

The Free Churches Group has a good working relationship with the Methodist Church (who are a member group of FCG). We will look forward to continuing and strengthening these links as Sonia and Barbara develop in their new roles.

Rev Sonia Hicks

Rev Sonia Hicks

Mrs Barbara Easton

Mrs Barbara Easton

Praying deeply for our schools...

Pray for Schools have produced an inspiring and wide ranging prompt sheet to help us to to pray more deeply and meditatively for our schools. These ideas have been gathered together by a retired deputy head teacher, who is also a church leader.

These prayer prompts will help us to pray more deeply, and more fully help us to consider the schools we hold up to God in prayer.

You can read, reflect upon and pray with these encouragements and inspirations HERE.

(photo courtesy of Markus Spiske at Unsplash)

Online prayer gathering for those involved in schools & colleges on 10th July @ 10am

Chaplaincy Central in partnership with Pray for Schools have set up an online prayer gathering on 10th July at 10am

For all those who want to pray for schools and colleges… whether you work or volunteer in a school or college, are involved in educational chaplaincy, lead school assemblies or run youth and children’s groups in your churches… do join us.

Please do share the link with those you know who work in schools and colleges.

To Help, Hope and Hear

An online prayer gathering for chaplains and others working in schools and colleges.
In partnership with Pray for Schools, July 10th at 10:00am

The link to register for the prayer meeting is HERE.

The Free Church Education Committee has a long an productive working history with both Pray for Schools and Chaplaincy Central who are co-hosting this time of prayer.

(photo courtesy of Vladimir Fedotov at Unsplash)