

HE chaplains are invited to virtual “Coffee and chat” sessions on a weekly basis (tea and any other beverages are equally acceptable! )

This will be a time where anyone, who would like to, can connect.

There will be time for prayer and reflection and time to chat, share ideas, ask questions – whatever you like.

Here are the dates for the HE chaplain’s coffee and chat meetings:

Thursday 27 August 4 p.m.

Future dates:

Bank Holiday, so no Monday meeting on 31 August;

Thursday 10 September 4 p.m.;

Monday 14 September 10 a.m.;

Thursday 24 September 4 p.m. 

We will send the Zoom code to chaplains on our list before the first event, but please get in touch if you’re not sure if you’re on the list and wish to be included:

(photo courtesy of Clay Banks at Unsplash)

Today is a big day!

Today is a BIG day!

Young people across the UK will be receiving their GCSE results.

As we will all be aware from the year’s events and particularly the media coverage concerning the assessment processes this year, it has been a challenging and complex time.

It has been a difficult time for children and young people, awaiting results, and being unclear of all the machinations about the protocol for grading this year. it has also affected parents and carers who have been worried about their families. It has been a hard time too for teachers, support staff, DfE, civil servants and examining bodies.

We pray for all of the teenagers who are getting their results today; let us pray…..

Loving God, be with each and every one of them as they look down the list of their grades, when their heart might be heavy with a grade lower than expected or as they leap for joy with a grade higher than hoped. We know, living God, that you are our teacher and our friend, with each one of us, through all of life’s up and downs… so be with all of those getting results and be their comforter and their companion. We pray especially for the children, young people and families in our own families and churches…

And dear God, we ask that you are with families, teachers and educational professionals throughout this day and going forward. Give them confidence, stamina and clarity to support those in their homes, schools, churches and communities.

We continue to uphold in prayer all of the conversations about next steps that teens across the UK will be having, after their results; for their sixth form and college options, for their vocational and academic pathways… Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers…


Date for your diary - Education Sunday 2020: 13th September The theme is: "A learning people in a time of change".

Date for your diary - Pray Day for Schools - 17th November 2020

(photo courtesy of Green Chameleon at Unsplash)


A free webinar for HE Chaplains will be taking place on 9th September (from 2pm-3.30pm).

In these strange times and in the days ahead, chaplains in universities are faced with new opportunities and challenges in building community, so this webinar aims to support them to face this challenge and create new ways of working.

Book your place HERE!

Universities are managing their return in a variety of ways, with more activities and formal input happening online, and fewer staff and students on campus. Lawrence Moore, Church Mission and Discipleship Consultant, has been been building communities online for many years. In this webinar, he will help HE chaplains to look at theological perspectives underlying community-building, and explore the new opportunities for chaplains to connect with students and staff in a changed environment.

(photos courtesy of Unsplash)


New Hope - an online Youthscape event coming up on 21st September

Schools work is going to look very different this term. Join Youthcsape and partners for New Hope, a free online conference to serve and inspire schools workers amidst uncertainty.

New Hope is an online schools work conference hosted by Prayer Spaces in Schools and Youthscape, streaming live, for free, on Monday 21st September from 10am - 3pm.

WHAT IS IT? An online Conference focusing on what Christian schools work could look like in the coming academic year, and how we as a community will navigate the challenges that this presents. We’d love for you to join us.

WHEN & WHERE? Monday 21st September. Live-streaming to YouTube, and using Zoom for seminars – you'll need to sign up to access the seminars. The day starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm.

WHAT'S HAPPENING? During the day there will be four sessions. Two shaped around keynote presentations, and two shaped around a choice of live webinars. All four sessions will include opportunities to interact and engage with the discussions – there will be a lot of wisdom in these virtual rooms, and we want to make the most of the opportunity to learn from one another.

WHO'S INVOLVED? Keynote contributors will be:

  • Jill Rowe, Ethos and Formation Director for the Oasis Trust

  • Esther Deans MBE, former Head teacher and chair of the Race Equality and Education Group (REEG)

  • Baroness Elizabeth Berridge, the Parliament Under-Secretary of State for Education, interviewed by Bishop Paul Butler, Diocese of Durham

  • Rachel Gardner, Director of Partnerships at Youthscape

To register for this event, click HERE.

(cover photo courtesy of Silas Baisch at Unsplash)


Every school a prayed for school...

Every school a prayed for school - that’s the mission and vision of Pray for Schools

They have designed an inspiring range of prayers accompanied by passages from the Bible, to support our prayers for school, called Ten Ways to Pray for Schools.

You can download, share and pray through this HERE.

At FCG, we have been an active and passionate member for the Pray for Schools steering group for many years. We have written and published a range of reports and resources about schools which you can read here.

(photo below from PFS website, cover photo courtesy of Adam Winger at Unsplash)

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