
Festive news!

Festive is the FURTHER EDUCATION & SIXTH FORM INITIATIVE! Over the last few years, FCG have worked collaboratively with Festive and so we are delighted to share the good news and their latest annual review with you.

They are a UK based Christian charity who seek to:

  • Inspire Students

  • Equip Mission

  • Love Further Education & Sixth Forms

Their Annual Review of 2020 is out now for you to read and share.

Please join me as we continue to pray for the work and mission of Festive.

In 2020 Festive have collaborated with some fantastic organisations and projects including…

In 2020 Festive have collaborated with some fantastic organisations and projects including…


As you may already know, FCG plays an active part in the work and mission of the Pray for Schools network. I have been part of their steering group over the last 4 years. I am pleased to be able to share with you that, following a dynamic and prayerful meeting earlier in January and an inspiring steering group meeting this week, we are hosting another prayer times on 24th February from 12.30-1.15pm.

You can register for this prayer time here:

We look forward to welcoming you on 24th Feb and praying alongside you, for our schools.

Let’s take heart, believing in Jesus’s wonderful promise that ….

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

— John 15:7 (NIV)

Pray for Schools steering group with reps from Care, Youth for Christ, FCG, Scripture Union, Association of Christian Teachers, Open the Book and Prayer Spaces in Schools

Pray for Schools steering group with reps from Care, Youth for Christ, FCG, Scripture Union, Association of Christian Teachers, Open the Book and Prayer Spaces in Schools

(Sara, FCG Media Support Officer)

Coffee and chat for university & HE chaplains - new dates


Coffee and chat for HE chaplains is a weekly opportunity to come together (virtually) with other chaplains. There is no fixed agenda, so you can bring questions, ideas, things that are bothering you, celebrations …

Each session lasts an hour and concludes with time for reflection and prayer, in a very relaxed and gentle way, often with visuals and music.

Coffee and chat takes place alternately on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. We use Zoom as the platform and the codes are available on this page.

Monday Coffee and Chat (10 a.m.)
February: 1, 15, March: 1, 15, 29, April: 12, 26

Monday coffee and chat Zoom code

Thursday Coffee and Chat (4 p.m.)

January 28, February: 11,25, March: 11, 25, April: 8, 22

Thursday coffee and chat Zoom code

Free Churches Group.png

(cover photo by Nolan Issac at Unsplash)

Time to pray! For our schools... 24th Feb

As you may already know, FCG plays an active part in the work and mission of the Pray for Schools network. I have been part of their steering group over the last 4 years. I am pleased to be able to share with you that, following a dynamic and prayerful meeting this week, with over 80 participants, we are hosting another prayer times on 24th February from 12.30-1.15pm.

It was a privilege to be able to pray with over 80 school chaplains, education workers, youth and children’s leaders and other Christian agencies, including Association of Christian Teachers, Open The Book and Scripture Union.

You can register for this prayer time here:

We look forward to welcoming you on 24th Feb and praying alongside you, for our schools.

Let’s take heart, believing in Jesus’s wonderful promise that ….

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
— John 15:7 (NIV)

(Sara, FCG Media Support Officer)

(cover photo courtesy of Josh Boot at Unsplash)

Praying for schools tomorrow - 13th Jan 12.30-1.15pm

As you may already know, FCG play an active part in the work and mission of the Pray for Schools network. I have been part of their steering group over the last 4 years and am pleased to be able to share with you some information about the Pray Day coming up on Wednesday 13th Jan. (Sara, FCG Media Support Officer)

Dear praying friends, we're all deeply concerned about the current lockdown - schools closed, and with just a few exceptions, children are once again confined to their homes and learning remotely. Pray for Schools is hosting an interactive Zoom session to pray about this and we’d love you to take part. Please also forward this to anyone who may be interested. Joining us will be representatives from Association of Christian Teachers, CARE, Free Churches Group, Open the Book, Prayer Spaces in Schools, Scripture Union and YFC and many other individuals with a heart to pray for young people at this time.
We invite you to log in at 12.30pm on Wednesday 13 January, using the Zoom link we’ll send you.

The fast-moving 45-minute session will focus on three key areas:

  • School leaders, teachers and other staff

  • Children, parents and carers who are home-schooling

  • Government plans, concerns for young people's futures and the hope we have in God's mercy and grace.

As well as praying, Christians can offer practical acts of kindness and support to local schools. We pray that many of you will be inspired by our 2021 'Love our Schools' resources, at with many suggestions about sharing God’s love throughout the Spring – albeit within the restrictions of Covid! Let’s take heart, believing in Jesus’ wonderful promise that ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.’ John 15:7 (NIV)
Please click register on Eventbrite in order to receive the Zoom link.

God bless you

Celia and Jane

Celia Bowring: Chair Jane Newey: England Coordinator

(cover photo courtesy of PFS website)