
Opening up Chaplaincy, Free Webinar, 28 April at 6:30pm

Photo by Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash

Photo by Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash

Free Churches Group is hosting a free webinar, "Opening up Chaplaincy" on Zoom on 28 April, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

You are invited to:

• Hear from serving chaplains in prisons, healthcare, and education about their distinctive ministry

• Learn about how to support chaplains

• Find out more about opportunities in chaplaincy and how to take the first steps

Please book your place HERE.

Relationships, Presence and Hope: University Chaplaincy during the COVID–19 Pandemic.

A new report by Theos, explores how chaplains have supported people during the crisis, and how care has changed with restrictions on physical presence.

Among those on the front-line of the Covid crisis, there are people whose job it is to provide spiritual and pastoral care for anyone who needs it. Throughout the pandemic, chaplains, faith advisors and pastoral carers have been supporting the isolated, offering a listening ear to the anxious, and comforting the ill, dying and bereaved.

This report called is entitled “Relationships, Presence and Hope: University Chaplaincy during the COVID–19 Pandemic.”

You can download, read and share this new research by Theos which explores the contributions of university chaplains during Covid, the challenges they have faced, and what can be learned from their experiences.

(cover photo by Linda Gerbec @ Unsplash)

A thought-provoking, helpful report: the impact of COVID-19 on children's mental health

The United Nations recently acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing widespread psychological distress. Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) has written an informative and thought-provoking report about the impact of COVID-19 on children’s mental health: The Hidden Crisis.

As well as laying out some of the challenges and issues faced, it offers a range of support and ways we can promote well-being and life skills for a better future for all of our children.

Please feel free to share this report with your network, children’s and youth group leaders and your wider community.

The countless ways that COVID-19 has impacted our society will, directly or indirectly, have a huge effect on our emotional health..... Please read this report, and consider how best to act upon it.
— it says in the report's introduction

Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) -

TLG is a Christian charity that helps churches to
bring hope and a future for struggling children.
From school exclusion, to poverty and holiday hunger, there are children across the UK facing some of the toughest starts in life. We believe change is possible and that’s why in all our work lies an unchanging resolve to transform lives for good.
— says TLG

TLG are a friend of Pray for Schools

(cover photo by Kat J @ Unsplash)

Anti-racist RE resources and recording of recent panel discussion

As you may already know, in partnership with Methodist Schools, the Free Churches Group commissioned Lat Blaylock of RE Today to write and develop a dynamic and thought provoking range of RE resources - Anti-racist RE - which you can access for free HERE.

We are now delighted to share in full the 'Anti-Racist RE Panel' session

from Strictly RE @ Home 2021.

With thanks to our panellists Anthony Reddie, Alexandra Brown,

Saima Saleh & Sally Elton-Chalcraft.

You can watch a recording of the panel discussion here:

We are grateful to the Westhill Endowment for providing financial support which enabled us to develop these Anti-racist RE resources.

(cover photo courtesy of Alexis Brown at Unsplash)

Are you a chaplain working in H.E? Why not join us for coffee and a chat, via Zoom...

Coffee and chat for HE chaplains is a weekly opportunity to come together (virtually) with other chaplains. There is no fixed agenda, so you can bring questions, ideas, things that are bothering you, celebrations …

Each session lasts an hour and concludes with time for reflection and prayer, in a very relaxed and gentle way, often with visuals and music.

Coffee and chat takes place alternately on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. and Thursday afternoons at 4 p.m. We use Zoom as the platform and the codes are available below. Here are the dates for the next couple of months…

Monday Coffee and Chat (10 a.m.) on March: 15 April: 12, 26

Monday coffee and chat Zoom code

Thursday Coffee and Chat (4 p.m.) on March: 11, 25, April: 8, 22

Thursday coffee and chat Zoom code

(cover photo courtesy of Trent Erwin @ Unsplash)