
Prayers for today from The Prison Fellowship

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14 1

Friday May 1st

Loving God, open our hearts to see and receive Your goodness this month. Even as our world is in crisis, would You draw us into Your presence, to wait on You, and find hope and courage.

We especially pray for:

  • HMP/YOI Altcourse

  • HMP Ashfield

  • HMP/YOI Askham Grange

  • HMYOI Aylesbury.


    To find out more about the work of the Prison Fellowship, click HERE.

    (photo courtesy of Igor Rodrigues at Unsplash)

Prison Fellowship Prayer Diary for May - join us as we pray...

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Their work continues, as do the links the FCG and other organisations have with PF. You can join with friends and partners of The Prison Fellowship, by praying together through the month and May and beyond…

Prayer Diary – May 2020

This month, they are continuing to pray for all the prisons across England and Wales. There are four listed each day. To find out more about their work and register for their monthly prayer diary, click HERE.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27: 13-14

(photo courtesy of Hanny Naibaho at Unsplash)

Praying with and for the work of The Prison Fellowship

In the Spring 2020 pamphlet from the Prison Fellowship - IN:SIGHT… I read…

Prayer is the foundation of the work of the Prison Fellowship. It is more important now than ever. Will you pray along with us for our prisons in this time of crisis?

The April Prayer Diary can be downloaded HERE for your use…

and the May edition which comes out soon can be registered for HERE.

Prison Fellowship says: “Men and women across England and Wales are committed to praying regularly for their local prison and for everyone connected with them. We've created our monthly Prayer Diary to guide you as you pray for our prisons.”

(photo courtesy of Jack Sharp at Unsplash)

The Prison Fellowship Prayer for today

Thursday 30th April: We proclaim that God is faithful, no matter what is happening around us in our lives, our communities and in prison. What does it look like for you to trust that that is true today?

And today we especially bring to God in prayer the following prison…

  • HMP Winchester,

  • HMP/YOI Woodhill,

  • HMP/YOI Wormwood Scrubs,

  • HMP & YOI Wymott.

“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love;

for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

Psalm 59:16

The May edition of the Prayer Diary, which comes out soon, can be registered for HERE.

(photo courtesy of Melissa, a 15 year old Gateway College student)

Letter Link - The Prison Fellowship

In the Spring 2020 pamphlet from the Prison Fellowship - IN:SIGHT… I read…

At this time, when all social visits have stopped, the letter writing ministry of the Prison Fellowship is more important than ever. They are working with Chaplaincies to see how they can expand this programme and are offering online training to support current volunteers. To find out more about how to get involved, to make a donation or keep up to date with news from the Prison Fellowship, click HERE.

“My volunteer has been there for me through some tough times.

When I was down and thought of taking my own life,

it was the letters of encouragement that kept me strong.

There needs to be more people like this in the world.” – Letter Link participant

(photo courtesy of Alvaro Serrano at Unsplash)