
It's a warm welcome to two new team members to the Welcome Directory!

Things have been busy for The Welcome Directory lately! As well as recently recruiting a new project manager, Emily Green, we are pleased to announce there are two new team members to help in the work and mission of The Welcome Directory. The new staff are Rev James Seager and Serena Bailey. Here’s a little bit of background about them and what their roles entail.

James is The Welcome Directory's new Regional Lead. James joins the team with over 18 years of Church leadership experience and also currently works part time as a Free Church Chaplain at HMP Hull. He is currently studying for a Masters in Applied Theology and has held a number of different roles in the charity sector. His focus as Regional Lead will be to increase engagement with The Welcome Directory at local prison establishments regionally as well as raising awareness and encouraging registration amongst faith communities, especially those faiths not yet fully represented in the directory!

Serena is due to join The Welcome Directory as the new Communications & Fundraising Officer. Serena also currently works part time with ShelterBox, a humanitarian relief organisation, in the Partnerships Team and holds a BA in International Development with Spanish. She has spent a number of years working and volunteering in the development and charity sectors, and also has experience in developing donor reports and monitoring and evaluation. Serena's focus will be to increase awareness of the work of The Welcome Directory and seeking out funding opportunities!

On behalf of the Free Churches Group, we extend a warm welcome to you both and wish you all the best in your new roles!

They along with the other team members with the patrons and trustees (who pictured below) will be working to fulfill the mission and vision of The Welcome Directory : a simple yet powerful vision: to help faith communities become places where people who leave prison find acceptance. A place to belong that not only nurtures faith but also offers appropriate practical support… a story as well as hopes and dreams for their lives beyond the prison gate.

Patrons of The Welcome Directory

Patrons of The Welcome Directory

Trustees of The Welcome Directory

Trustees of The Welcome Directory

FCG Privacy Policy

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FCG’s privacy policy has been updated and comes into effect from the 1st December 2020.

New statements have been added to cover Higher Education Chaplains, the use of Zoom/Eventbrite and cookies.

Should you have any questions about the updates, please contact FCG at

A warm welcome to Emily - the new project manager for The Welcome Directory

The mission of The Welcome Directory is to help faith communities welcome people leaving prison… and we are delighted to welcome Emily to the role of Project Manager. Emily started the job last week and has already been making excellent progress and getting to grips with the vital, varied and dynamic work of The Directory!

Emily joins the Welcome Directory as Project Manager, having worked in the development and humanitarian sectors for 9 years, supporting staff, partners and communities of different faiths overseas. She has experience leading a global team, project managing the logistics operations and building capacity for the geographical portfolios for which she was responsible at Tearfund. More recently, this included procurement proposals and budgets with institutional donors in response to the pandemic.

Emily (pictured below) has volunteered with a homeless project run by local churches and is passionate about positively impacting and engaging communities on issues of social justice. She is excited to be a part of an organisation that strives for second chances and fair opportunities for those leaving prison. Emily is keen to mobilise faith communities in achieving transformation, so that individuals can again have hopes, dreams and most importantly a future. 

A personal note from Emily: 
“I am so excited to be joining an organisation that sees potential, values people and recognises the role of faith communities. Whilst the world still battles on with Covid19, approximately 6,500 individuals still continue to leave prison each month. Finding places of welcome is just as crucial as before. The Welcome Directory has already registered 126 faith communities and we have an ambitious and yet exciting strategy to expand our directory. That means many more opportunities for prison leavers to find belonging, experience compassion and acceptance. And that’s what I love about the Welcome Directory. It would be great to hear from you: either what your faith community is already doing or if you would like to get involved!”

The Welcome Directory - helping faith communities welcome people leaving prison

Project Manager for The Welcome Directory - welcome Emily!

Project Manager for The Welcome Directory - welcome Emily!


Prisons Week


Let us pray…

Spirit of wisdom and mercy, lead those responsible for exercising justice in the way of truth; bring discernment, fair minded judgement and a willingness to confront injustice as they consider the lives of others. In every role and place of work through the whole criminal justice system, guide and empower people to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit.

United in prayer, we stand before you Jesus, our Judge, Redeemer and friend as we say together,

Our Father...“Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV)

Thank you for joining us for this week of prayer as part of Prisons Week!

Prisons Week - praying with those who are working in prisons

Prisons Week

Friday - praying with those who work in prisons

Spirit of refuge and renewal, be alongside all who are called to work in prisons. Give daily strength to serve courageously and faithfully through the continuing constraints of lockdown. Be present in the bringing of order, compassion, food, comfort, and humanity to all held in custody. Sustain and enable us in times of exhaustion and weariness through the sureness of your love and power.

United in prayer, we bring ourselves and offer our lives as we say together, Our Father….

“Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV)

