
Prison Fellowship prayers on Trinity Sunday

As we come to the end of another month of prayer with Prison Fellowship, we are invited to pray on this Sunday - Trinity Sunday… Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

As we celebrate and reflect on God as Trinity; we pray for the relationships of people in prison. We pray that they would be a source of life and love, akin to our relationship with the triune God. Amen
— we pray

The new Prison Fellowship Prayer Diary for June will be available soon - you can find out more, how to volunteer, ways to join in prayer, making donations and learning about how your church can support the vital work of the Prison Fellowship:

(cover photo by James Coleman at Unsplash)

Praying with Prison Fellowship this Pentecost - stir us up, Lord...

Prison Fellowship invite us to join together with them and their partners this Pentecost.

Let us pray….

As we celebrate and reflect on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost, we also pray for a similar stirring in our society towards those in prison.
That compassion and love towards those in prison would flow
throughout our country. Amen
— we pray, with Prison Fellowship
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

(cover photo courtesy of Khadeeja Yasser at Unsplash)

International Day of Families... praying with Prison Fellowship

Did you know that Saturday 15th May is International Day of Families?

Many of us, in recent times, will have known the pain and challenge of being separated from our families, due to the pandemic. This has been especially difficult time for those who have family members in prison and for those who are serving prison sentences.

Will you join us on Saturday to pray for the International Day of Families, particularly those who have a family member who is serving a prison sentence? Prison Fellowship invite us to pray…

We pray for all prisoners who are separated from their loved ones; that God would strengthen family connections, particularly for children who are separated from their parent.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
— praying with Prison Fellowship

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

(cover photo courtesy of Jenna Norman at Unsplash)

Do you have a heart for prayer and do you care about those who are in prison?

If you have a heart for prayer and if you care about people in prison, then join us as we pray throughout May with the help and inspiration of the Prison Fellowship Prayer Diary.

On Monday 10th May, we pray for those who are facing challenges once they are released from prison.

Loving God, we pray that the prevalent attitudes in our society would change to allow those who have been released to reintegrate and make a positive contribution.


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

(cover photo by Ben White @ Unsplash)

Have you heard of PrayerMate? Are you passionate about praying for prisoners?

PrayerMate is an App to help us pray more faithfully!

One of the organisations who offer links to prayers through PrayerMate is Prison Fellowship. I know many of us already pray regularly for the work this Fellowship - for prisoners, their families, prison staff and chaplaincy teams. You can get a free download of the App (for iOS or Android) by clicking link below.

Did you know that there are around 83,000 prisoners in England and Wales.

Will you pray for them?

In our prayer imagination, we can enter any prison in the world, and visit Christ in prisoners there.It is Christ who beckons us into the darkest of the world’s jails. Will you cooperate with our Lord in building his house, from the ground floor up, by marching into every prison of the world in prayer?
— Sylvia Mary Alison, founder of Prison Fellowship

(cover photo courtesy of Sam Rios at Unsplash)