
It’s almost here!  We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be an informative and enjoyable evening!  All are welcome!


All are invited to the Annual Lecture of the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers & the Deputies of the Three Denominations



Date: Monday 6 November 2017

Time: 18:00

Venue: Free Churches House, 27 Tavistock square, London, WC1H 9HH

Speaker: Rev Dr John Bradbury

(Minister of Emmanuel URC Cambridge and Former Vice Principal of Westminster College)



 We hope that members of your congregation will join us at 6.00 pm at 27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH on Monday 6th November when the Rev. Dr John Bradbury, Minister of Emmanuel URC Cambridge and former Vice Principal of Westminster College will speak on “Luther’s Revolution – then and now”.

 The “Deputies” were established as elected lay people, working with a body of Ministers, in 1732 to fight for the removal of restrictions which excluded the churches and people we now call in the “Free Church” tradition from many areas of public life. London based, they argued on behalf of churches across the country. The Deputies have a long history of achievement. We maintain this somewhat quaint sounding body as an annual society to honour their memory and work. Free speech should never be taken for granted since it enables us to sustain our life, worship and witness. The body also keeps alive our historic right of direct approach to the Monarch.

 Today, the Free Churches Group carries out the Deputies’ functions relating to government, as we will hear during our very brief formal proceedings.

 This is an open invitation to your members and Minister. It would be most helpful to know in advance of the numbers attending. Please return the attached form by post or email. Respecting our historical structure, it would be appropriate to nominate two “Deputies”, but all are welcome. Please display the poster. A small contribution to our meeting costs would be much appreciated from all churches.

 We know that it will be very much worth the journey to hear John Bradbury and we hope very much you will come.

Please RSVP to Sabina Williams at 02036518334 or email:    Sabina.williams@freechurches.org.uk   

Churches Secretaries are requested to return the completed registration form as soon as possible, please. 

Luther's Revolution - Then and Now poster is available to download here.

This invitation Letter is available to download here.



Reforming Christianity: A new resource for Key Stages 2-4

Welcome to REforming Christianity

An inspiring and interesting range of RE teaching resources about the Reformation has been commissioned by the Free Churches Group and The Methodist Church, sponsored by the Westhill Endowment and produced in association with RE Today Services.

A new teaching resource for Religious Education for teachers

working with children and young people at Key Stages 2-4.

These resources are free to download and use in RE classrooms. 

How can I get these resources?

Simply e-mail us at education@freechurches.org.uk
We will send you a password which will give you full access to all the resources.

All we ask in return is that you complete a questionnaire when you have used some or all of the resources for your age-group. We will use your feedback to develop further resources, and will have a better understanding of what works well in the classroom.

The resources consist of:

  • 6 x Key Stage 2 lessons - A man called Luther; What was Luther's gift to the people? The Bible in translation; Wycliffe and Tyndale; Christian reformers
  • 6 x Key Stage 3 lessons - Martin Luther and how the church changed; The Bible in English; Non-conforming in England; How Christian attitudes to slavery changed; the Bible and slavery. 
  • 6 x Key Stage 4 lessons (in line with GCSE specifications) - Visions of Salvation (beliefs and teaching); Trinity (beliefs and teaching); Worship (practices); Local Church (practices); Baptism (practices); Eucharist (practices). 


(Image shared, with kind permission of mission enabler, Adrian Wyatt of Xross Purposes. Visio Divina photography workshops; ade.wyatt@gmail.com tel: 07976 362 615)



All are invited to the Annual Lecture of the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers & the Deputies of the Three Denominations




Date: Monday 6 November 2017

Time: 18:00

Venue: Free Churches House, 27 Tavistock square, London, WC1H 9HH

Speaker: Rev Dr John Bradbury

(Minister of Emmanuel URC Cambridge and Former Vice Principal of Westminster College)



 We hope that members of your congregation will join us at 6.00 pm at 27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH on Monday 6th November when the Rev. Dr John Bradbury, Minister of Emmanuel URC Cambridge and former Vice Principal of Westminster College will speak on “Luther’s Revolution – then and now”.

 The “Deputies” were established as elected lay people, working with a body of Ministers, in 1732 to fight for the removal of restrictions which excluded the churches and people we now call in the “Free Church” tradition from many areas of public life. London based, they argued on behalf of churches across the country. The Deputies have a long history of achievement. We maintain this somewhat quaint sounding body as an annual society to honour their memory and work. Free speech should never be taken for granted since it enables us to sustain our life, worship and witness. The body also keeps alive our historic right of direct approach to the Monarch.

 Today, the Free Churches Group carries out the Deputies’ functions relating to government, as we will hear during our very brief formal proceedings.

 This is an open invitation to your members and Minister. It would be most helpful to know in advance of the numbers attending. Please return the attached form by post or email. Respecting our historical structure, it would be appropriate to nominate two “Deputies”, but all are welcome. Please display the poster. A small contribution to our meeting costs would be much appreciated from all churches.

 We know that it will be very much worth the journey to hear John Bradbury and we hope very much you will come.

Please RSVP to Sabina Williams at 02036518334 or email:    Sabina.williams@freechurches.org.uk   

Churches Secretaries are requested to return the completed registration form as soon as possible, please. 

Luther's Revolution - Then and Now poster is available to download here.

This invitation Letter is available to download here.



Prisons Week 2017, 8-14 October 2017

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"Press On"

Prisons Week Runs from 8-14 October 2017. Prayer leaflets are freely available for churches and individuals to join in prayer across the UK. You can order the leaflet via Prisons Week website here or email: info@prisonsweek.org or download here.

Watch Prisons Week 2017 video here. "Press On", written and performed by Kenny Baraka, for Prisons Week 2017

Full Script below ...




To our Mother, ‘art in heaven,
beg you listen, will be done,
’til the system is that,
we birds of a feather ‘ere we PRESS ON!

To our Father, ‘art in heaven,
beg you listen, kingdom come,
from the beginning ’til we get there, altogether, pray we PRESS ON!

Pled to the larceny, conspiracy, possession with intent but man they swear down it was those grievously bodied that I was shipped for.
When really though, was no impulse control [I] should’ve been charged with plus the mash at my nan’s, ‘nother 7 years on the re-up,
but then just 6 years later,
release me for good behavior,
in the hopes that I would slowly transition [right] back into the fold.
It’s like trying to breathe underwater but when going back’s not option
I’m learning to walk on water God’s son forever. PRESS ON!

And we let you know you aren’t alone,
we family go though it with you,
feel your pain down in our bones.
Funny how you rarely hear about the ones they left at home though in the wake of all that happened,
left a lot of broken homes.
A double shift just trying to make it better for you when you [get] home.
Or how our house is not a home since you been gone, things been different.
But we visiting just the same,
not going through this on your own.
So, when your strength start to weaken here’s a shoulder for you to PRESS ON!

Answer the phone when duty calling
but living a life both in and outside of them prison walls.
Seeing both things for how they could and too often they really are,
could drive anyone [of] us insane,
I hear ya man.
Keep ya head up.
whether helping better themselves ‘til their sentence is done,
or helping them stay safe, a hero’s work’s never done though.
Try and tell them in the end,
when all’s been said you done seen that their mind is the only prison,
hope they listen,
may you PRESS ON!

And as a servant of the court,
you swore an oath: uphold the law over all the things you believe in.
But when the bailiff’s underpaid,
the caseworker’s understaffed,
and the clerks so overworked they postponing every arraignment.
Then the justice system isn’t,
even half [of] what you was taught.
But keep your promise that like stenographer’s keys
that you PRESS ON!

But y’all don’t hear me,
what I’m saying is if we all this ship together, effects ripple the pond
So, whatever part of that prison life you isn’t or are,
Whatever postcode,
Or estates that you from.
From all the innocent victims,
not falling a victim to it.
Whose getting back on their horses.
It’s just it wasn’t your fault, PRESS ON!

To mothers scared to let their kids out,
Shopkeepers keeping the kids out.
To you kids who keep pulling your knives out,
snake keep eating its tail.
It’s a vicious cycle,
vultures circle, man, woman and child.
So, regardless of your religion,
it’s only when all of us God’s children,
all finally come together that her will will be done.
When all us shoulder to shoulder,
all soldiers in God’s army all making it out the valley,
that his kingdom has come.
So in essence this call to prayer,
is really a call to arms that we PRESS ON!

In Christ’s name we pray, can I get an amen?!
To our Mother, ‘art in heaven,
beg you listen, will be done,
’til the system is the,
we birds of a feather’s ‘ere we PRESS ON!

To our Father, ‘art in heaven,
beg you listen, kingdom come,
from the beginning ’til we get there, altogether, pray we PRESS ON!

‘Learning from deaths’ – guidance development day for NHS trusts


Thursday 2 November, 10.00am - 4.30pm – Kia Oval, London

NHS England is holding an event in November 2017, which may be of interest to staff working in chaplaincy services in trusts across England. It will be of particular interest to chaplaincy staff who have supported families and carers who have lost a loved one in NHS commissioned care, whose death has been subject to a review or investigation.

The event is part of the Learning from Deaths’ programme, which was established to ensure that the recommendations contained in the CQC’s ‘Learning, candour and accountability’ report are implemented in a clear and structured way. 

The event is one of two that will inform the co-production of new guidance for trusts to improve engagement with families and carers, so that they know what to expect from the investigation process. The aim of the guidance will be to ensure timely, transparent and compassionate contact with families and carers who’ve lost loved ones in NHS commissioned care.

The event, on 2 November, will primarily involve people working in trusts who are involved in the investigation process and supporting families/carers in these circumstances - some family members and carers with lived experience will also be present.  The day will focus on the key issues already identified in the CQC report. It will also highlight feedback from families and carers gathered at an event held on 1 November. It will examine what good practice should look like; how we can embed it across NHS Trusts; and what support and/or training would be needed.

If you would like more information about the event for staff working in trusts or to sign up for a place please go to the NHS England website or email england.nhs.participation@nhs.net.