Festive, the further education Christian charity's latest news...

The Free Churches Group, through our work in further education (FE) as part of the activities in the Free Church Education Committee, has a productive working relationship with the FE charity, Festive.

You can read their latest newsletter here.

Lots of great stories, inspiration and updates…

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,

according to His power that is at work within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

(photo courtesy of Kal Visuals at Unsplash)

A Good Friday activity for children at home...

Barnabas in Schools have produced a range of free materials which you can download to support teaching RE, especially for teaching at home.

There are plenty of different ideas and materials… exciting, thought provoking and inspiring resources for you to use in your home setting with children in your care.

Here is a Good Friday activity - WORD SEARCH - An Easter-themed activity that pupils can do at home.

(photo courtesy of Yoal Desurmont at Unsplash)

Eurodiaconia updates and news...

The Free Churches Group are among a number of organisations who are active as part of the Eurodiaconia network. You can sign up for updates from them HERE. Their mission, with their partners, is “connecting faith and social justice through action.”

As part of Eurodiaconia’s work to keep us all in touch with

what is happening across their network

in response to COVID-19, there are some helpful press releases HERE.

An inspiring message from Heather Roy, the Secretary General of Eurodiaconia, to our churches

“This is the opportunity to see how our understanding of social justice and social care needs to go to the heart of our economic and political thinking. We need a paradigm shift in our understanding of what makes societies and people flourish – not only economic well-being but social well-being – and they cannot be in competition with each other – they do not need to be in competition with each other – one can reinforce the other. Thank you to all of you who are working – as volunteers and as staff – at this time. You are showing why what Diaconia does is essential and why it needs to be at the heart of our development as a society. You are valued and you are essential.”

(photo courtesy of Jakob Braun at Unsplash)

Measures announced to protect NHS from coronavirus risk in prisons

Here is a press release from the Ministry of Justice dated 4th April 2020.

Risk-assessed prisoners who are within two months of their release date will be temporarily released from jail, as part of the national plan to protect the NHS and save lives. You can read the full press release here.

We continue to pray for the work of our chaplains in prisons who serve prison staff and prisoners in these challenging times.

Pray for Schools...

From our Pray for Schools network

“The Lord is close to all who call on him…

He grants the desires of those who fear him;

 he hears their cries for help and rescues them.”

Psalm 145:18-20 (NLT)

Lord, please provide our teachers and pupils with all

they need during this COVID-19 crisis and afterwards.

Help children at home

to continue learning and to readjust

and catch up when they return eventually to school.


(photo courtesy of Mike Fox at Unsplash)