Holy Saturday - 24 hours of prayer for prisons

Join us on Holy Saturday, at any time, to be part of a 24 hour prayer vigil for those who are in prison and prison staff. Praying throughout the day, praying through the night…

In order to help us all prepare for this epic prayer event, there are a range of short films which have been produced by some of our praying partners and key organisations. You can watch these short films here:

Feeling inspired to join in? Well, all are welcome! It is a free event, but you will need to book a place…

Prisons Prayer Partnership - join a prayer vigil on Holy Saturday

Join us on Holy Saturday, at any time, to be part of a 24 hour prayer vigil for those who are in prison and prison staff. Praying throughout the day, praying through the night…

You are free to join in at any time, although registration is required.

The aim of the prayer vigil is to let the men and women in custody and
all prison staff know that they are not forgotten
and we are remembering them at this time.
Every prayer counts....
— says Rev Bob Wilson, Free Churches Faith Adviser
Event photo (cover photo courtesy of Ehteshamul Haque Adit at Unsplash)

Event photo (cover photo courtesy of Ehteshamul Haque Adit at Unsplash)

Every prayer counts... join us for a vigil on Holy Saturday

We are warmly invited, by the Prisons Prayer Partnership, to join in a prayer vigil on 3rd April.

The Prisons Prayer Partnership says, “We have an exciting opportunity coming up to pray for all the men and women in the UK’s 138 Prisons during this Easter period.”

So let’s join together with other Christians, from all over Britain, to take part in 24 hours of prayer for those who are serving sentences and prison staff. Once registered, you can join in at any time during the day!

The aim of the prayer vigil is to let the men and women in custody and
all prison staff know that they are not forgotten
and we are remembering them at this time.
— says Rev Bob Wilson

(cover photo by Priscilla Du Preez @ Unsplash)

A thought-provoking, helpful report: the impact of COVID-19 on children's mental health

The United Nations recently acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing widespread psychological distress. Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) has written an informative and thought-provoking report about the impact of COVID-19 on children’s mental health: The Hidden Crisis.

As well as laying out some of the challenges and issues faced, it offers a range of support and ways we can promote well-being and life skills for a better future for all of our children.

Please feel free to share this report with your network, children’s and youth group leaders and your wider community.

The countless ways that COVID-19 has impacted our society will, directly or indirectly, have a huge effect on our emotional health..... Please read this report, and consider how best to act upon it.
— it says in the report's introduction

Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) -

TLG is a Christian charity that helps churches to
bring hope and a future for struggling children.
From school exclusion, to poverty and holiday hunger, there are children across the UK facing some of the toughest starts in life. We believe change is possible and that’s why in all our work lies an unchanging resolve to transform lives for good.
— says TLG

TLG are a friend of Pray for Schools

(cover photo by Kat J @ Unsplash)

An invitation to join a prayer vigil on Holy Saturday...

We are invited, by Prisons Prayer Partnership, to join in a prayer vigil!

Our very own Rev Bob Wilson, Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy, says: “I would like to encourage you to join together with other Christians from all over Britain to take part in a PRAYER VIGIL on Holy Saturday (3rd April 2021).” This event is being co-ordinated and hosted by a number of leading Christian Prison Ministries who are coming together to pray for the 24 hours from midnight to midnight. They extend the invite to us - to anyone who has a heart for prayer and cares about those who are in prison and prison staff.

So here’s how the day will work … During this time each prison ministry will be hosting 2 x 1hr slots in which they will be praying for all the aspects of prison life. Rev Bob says, “To my knowledge this is the first time this has been done collectively so join us in this ground breaking event. Every prayer counts.” Bob will be hosting two hour-long sessions (from 06:00-07:00 and 18:00-19:00) and so we would love to see you there; once registered you can join in at any time during the 24 hour period… .You will need to register in advance:

The aim of the prayer vigil is to let the men and women in custody and
all prison staff know that they are not forgotten
and we are remembering them at this time.
— Rev Bob Wilson

(cover photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema @ Unsplash)