Reforming Christianity 


Thank you for your interest in these resources and welcome to Reforming Christianity. We would like to share information with you about two sets of resources:

Firstly, there is a resource for Key Stages 2-4 called: Reforming Christianity. These resources have been commissioned by the Free Churches Group and The Methodist Church, sponsored by the Westhill Endowment and produced in association with RE Today Services. Further details, topics covered and how to download are below at (1)

Secondly, The Methodist Church (who are members of FCG) have commissioned RE teaching resources, written by RE Today, to enable teaching of Christianity from a Methodist perspective. These can be downloaded HERE.

Reforming Christianity The Reformation....

What does the Reformation mean to you? Ancient History? Something to do with Henry VIII? The period of soul-searching and challenge to authority which swept Europe 500 years ago heralded radical and sweeping changes to religion, culture and politics.

What does this 500 year-old conflict mean to pupils and how can we bring the huge impact of the Reformation to life in the classroom?

2017 marks 500 years since Martin Luther, a devoted monk, publicly challenged the Church. His protest unleashed a chain of events that eventually broke apart a thousand years of Church tradition and heralded brutal sectarian conflict in Europe, as well as allowed many new ways to live a Christian life to flourish.

Supportive and classroom-ready, these lessons explore key historical and religious moments and movements, to support pupils’ deeper understanding of Christian belief and practice.

They cover questions such as:

  • How does change happen in religion?

  • Who can hear God’s words?

  • What does it take to stand up to authority?

They are FREE to download. Please click on the title of the lesson heading below to download these. 

Lesson Resources

The FCG and Methodist Church are grateful to the Westhill Endowment for their funding and support with this work.